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I'm writing this during lunchtime in school, I really hate most people in my class, do you have this problem?

"Welcome Alpha, I hope you found your way easily. My beta will show you to your rooms, and I will be waiting at the sparring grounds", Abigail said easily.
She seems sincere, let us follow, the alpha's wolf said. Abigail turned and smiled. She felt in control as usual but something felt wrong like something was irk'ing her but she wasn't particularly sure what.

  Abigail walked towards the grounds while listening to the introduction and footsteps of her beta. She always admired her beta's ability to host, Abigail was always more anti social and less inclined to schmooze the guests.

  When Abigail arrived she was greeted by Luke, the younger new wolf. He was sat in the middle of the grounds scrolling through his phone. When Luke heard her presence he stood up quickly and put his phone in his pocket. "Alpha, I was um- wondering if I could speak with you?", Luke stuttered awkwardly. Abigail raised her eyebrow and walked closer toward him. Luke took a deep breath. "Well, um if I fight today, will I get badly wounded because there's a party in the city and everyone is going so I can't just sit and wait for my body to heal and and-", Abigail held up her hand and stopped him. "Young Luke, you are familiar with my power, I will heal you quickly and you may go,but is any adult or elder accompanying you as the humans will also be involved I presume", Luke sighed, his floppy hair hanging over his eyes. " I will accompany you then, but do not cause any problems", Abigail said and Luke's eyes lit up again. "Yes of course Alpha, I'll fight well today better than ever!", he exclaimed with excitement. Abigail always forgot how young he was.

  Someone cleared their throat from behind them and Abigail and Luke turned quickly around. "Luke go and make sure everything is prepared, mindlink the pack to come to the grounds and watch the show", Charlotte ordered with a smile. Luke ran and a few wolf howls were heard in the distance. "The message has been received obviously, I hope you enjoy the entertainment alpha", Charlie said turning to Abigail.

  The ground seats began to fill with pack members and once the alpha and his wolves returned the show began to start,music was played and once the sparring began to start, the dusty ground began to appear red with the blood that was spilt.

Finally, the younger wolf competition started. It was Luke against another young male wolf who was equally as strong and talented as he. They took their positions and the fight started.

   It continued back and forth until Luke finally kicked his opponent in the leg, breaking it and the fight was over. Abigail stood up and walked down to the ground and began to address the crowd, the guest alpha included.

   "I hope you all enjoyed the festivities today, I am very proud of my warriors, musicians and pack alike. The reason we put this amazing show on is for the new linking of The Crescent Pack and The Red Clover Pack, I sincerely hope you all enjoyed today. Tomorrow there will be formal ball, Red Clover Pack, you may bring your mates if you so wish. It will start at 9.30pm, thank you", Abigail announced. The crowd clapped and started to vacate from the area. Abigail watched her beta lead the alpha out of the grounds towards their rooms. "You need a day off ", Abigail mind linked her beta with a smile.

   Abigail walked towards the little changing room, and cast a spell, speeding all the participants healing levels. She heard gasps from the building, Abigail guessed they must have already healed.

  Abigail set off toward her her bathroom in the house and changed into black jeans, a white t-shirt and white Nike trainers to match. She decided to apply a little bit of mascara and blush to liven up her appearance. Finally she fluffed up her curly hair and walked towards her range rover as shifting to her wolf form would destroy her clothes. 

   Abigail decided to mind link Thomas, she needed a companion and her beta was training. "A party in the city, meet me in the range rover now, we have to watch the younger wolves when with they're with the humans". Thomas appeared almost instantly wearing almost the same clothes as Abigail. "We're matching, Alpha", he happily. Abigail raised one eyebrow and they both got in a drove through the dark forest towards the scent of her pack, which was most likely where the party was.

   Abigail parked the car on the side of the road and the two entered the house that was almost shaking with base-y music. Abigail and Thomas cringed at the volume of music, and turned their heads to the couple kissing beside the open doors. A human and a wolf from Abigail's pack who most obviously hadn't discovered his mate.

   Humans were always attracted to wolves or any supernatural creatures. To a human, a regular wolf boy or girl would be model, would be attractive in all ways that just looks. It was the predatory nature from centuries ago when wolves would hunt humans that brings humans in. Some wolves bound by magic like Abigail would still hunt humans but most wouldn't.

  "Do you mind if I get a drink Alpha, I'd rather be drunk enough to deal with this sort of thing", Thomas said over the loud music. Abigail nodded in return and Thomas left her to find any sort of alcoholic beverage. The ages of humans at this party differed, from 14-19 this would be defiantly unsafe for any young human but for a young wolf it usually would be fine, Abigail just had to watch the younger males who's anger could control them and cause them to shift, which of course would be a big problem to her.

Abigail sniffed the pungent air, something clearly stood out to her. Spearmint and clean linen. Her mate was obviously here, and by the strength of the smell, he was close. Abigail's wolf howled to be with her mate, it was almost difficult to control her. Abigail cursed him, she was angry that her body was betraying her and was trying to get to him. She didn't want a mate, she preferred her own company.

   The smell got increasing close, almost intoxicating for Abigail. "Hey, I know you".

Black vs whiteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें