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Apologies for bad grammar, I'm trying to update more but school is annoying, anyway enjoy ❤

"Hey, I know you", a voice said from behind her. Abigail shut her eyes increasingly tight and tried to relax her wolf and herself for that matter. She felt unsure and vulnerable, was this what mates did to you? She inhaled a breath and turned to face him.

He was taller than she noticed,about a whole head taller. His skin was covered in tattoos it seemed, the art pieces were quite elegant in her opinion. He also had five o clock shadow covering his jaw, and of course his thick-framed glasses overshadowing his deep brown eyes.

She blinked up at him, dumbfounded. She never felt like this around anyone, especially a human. A human so fragile that she could kill instantly. But again, he wasn't just any human sadly, he was hers before she or he was born. "Yes you do",Abigail answered awkwardly. She wanted to look into his eyes to display some sort of dominance but she couldn't. Something about his eyes made her feel different, and this unnerved her.

Seth moved abruptly down and whispered into her ear, causing Abigail to stiffen and her eyes to widen. "I didn't tell anyone, and I promised I wouldn't, so don't feel worried. You can trust me", he whispered. Luckily for her heightened hearing, she could hear him perfectly. His voice was very enticing to her, and once again she mentally cursed him.

He stood up straight again and smiled. "I'll introduce myself like a normal person this time. Hi, I'm Seth Keane, I'm a qualified teacher but I'm currently studying for my masters in History and English", He said still smiling, he obviously found this somewhat humorous. "And the reason I'm at this party is because my fiance's sister's son is here and apparently I am obliged to watch over him". Abigail felt something that she never felt before, heartache that hit every inch of her body. She wanted to kill him almost, and her wolf wanted to hunt whomever held his heart. Abigail started to shake uncontrollably, her wolf was forcing her to shift in front of all the humans, and find the person who had his heart.

"Are you okay, do you need air or something?", Seth said bending down. Abigail shook her head and turned to walk back towards the entrance door. Her wolf growled and started forcing Abigail's bones to shift. She knew she couldn't control her wolf, it was apart of her she had to give in. Take care of the young wolves, watch them. I'm in a dilemma. Abigail mind linked Thomas before running into a shaded alleyway and shifting into her wolf. Abigail didn't even want to fight against her wolf, she just wanted to give her control. Abigail didn't know how to control her own emotions, they were foreign to her. Heartache, despair, was nothing she had really felt before, and yet she felt it over a man she didn't even know? Her wolf inhaled the air and began to run, she had found Seth's house containing a strange scent of a woman. Rage erupted in her wolf and she howled. Her pack howled in return and mindlinks began to rush into her mind,but Abigail blocked them out, not wanting to explain or let them know of her vulnerability.

Abigail's wolf had come to a stop and she stood in the shadows in front of a small terrace house. A window was lit up, typing and light breaths were heard. Abigail's wolf jumped into the trees, giving her a better view of what was within the window. A brunette woman, pretty with bright blue eyes was typing on a laptop. She looked about 24 and seemed to be concentrating on whatever she was doing, papers covered the cream carpeted floor and finally the woman let out a sigh. She got up,pulled out her phone, began to type in a number and put it towards her ear. "Seth, can you bring Damien home now? It's 10 and he knows he has to come now..yes, I know but come home now, I miss you guys..I've ordered Chinese so I'll expect you here soon, alright. I love you", the woman said putting down her phone on the desk. Abigail's wolf jumped down onto the ground ready to kill but Abigail fought against her, shunning her into submission. When her wolf finally gave in, Abigail shifted back into her human form. Her wolf cried in the back of Abigail's mind, crying for the betrayal of her mate.

Abigail stood up straight and forced her emotions down into the depths of her mind. She realized she was in fact naked, so she decided to cast a spell to clothe herself before meeting Seth, she wished to meet him properly and set herself straight. Abigail whispered incantations under her breath and a navy dress with white trainers formed over her body. She heard a car in the distance and realised it was Seth. She hid behind a tree and walked again as if to give the image her unexpectedly there. Seth got out of the car, followed by a young human. The human tan into the house while Seth attempted to get something from the boot of the car. His scent surrounded Abigail once more.

"So, my name is Abigail. I have a three PhD's in Biology,Physics and Maths. I have a Maine Coon cat called Carmella and I am a black belt in karate, gold medallist in boxing and I kayak in my free time. I apologise for my abrupt absence earlier and I do hope you forgive me",Abigail said quickly displaying confidence to mask her emotions towards him. Seth lifted his head from the car and stared at her, he smiled. "You're intelligence is also in geography it seems because this is my house, and yet here you are. Either way, I do have questions and would greatly appreciate you answering them about our first meeting", Seth said smiling. Abigail sighed and nodded, "of course, you deserve to know". Seth shut the boot and walked closer to her, "would you like to come in, I could introduce you to my fiance Rachel if you want? She ordered Chinese and there's probably some for you", he asked simply. Abigail shook her head. "No, sorry I had many duties to attend to but I shall give you my number and we can organise a meeting in due time". Seth nodded and handed her a pen and paper for her to write her number, in which she did quickly. "Well, good bye for now Mr Keane, I shall see you soon", Abigail said turning around to walk back to her pack house. "Goodbye then Abigail, or Abi. Yeah I like that, goodnight Abi and I'll text you sometime soon", Seth said loudly, as if she couldn't hear him. Abigail raised her eyebrow as she walked, Abi, she thought.

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