Who are you?

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I am home now, but I am still thinking about that guy. I can't get him out of my head. I been trying to think of reasons for him to be loking for the same man. The reality is I can't think of one good enough reason.
It makes me nervous, I don't know if he is a bad guy, or just a simple guy.

I decide to just take my mind of what just happened and read something. I walk to my bedroom to look for my book. I am currently reading one of my favorite books. Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. Its about fallen angels, nephilims and weirdos that want to kill the main character. A girl name Nora and a guy name Patch. Its like a Sci-fi book mixed with a bit of suspens. I start reading, and make it almost to the end of the page when my phone starts to sound.

I walk towards my nightstand and pick up my phone. "Hello agent Daniels how can I help you?"

"Hey miss Daniels this is Micha the guy from before. Yeah uh I was calling because I wanted to see if you wanted to go out with me? "

I stay silent for a moment trying to wrap my head around what it's happening. "Ah hello how did you get this number? I don't believe I give you my number. And why would you ask me out? I mean you don't even know me. " I feel flustered I don't know why and kinda intrigued at the same time. Why is this man calling me and how did he get my number.

"Well you see funny thing Doll. I was just on Google and stuff and I remembered your name and thought. Hey self that chick was hot and nice maybe I should try to find her and ask her out. So I did look for you and found your phone number on your Facebook page and here I am. " he said all this a little bit too confident. I need to take my phone number out of my face book page.

"I don't know anything about you, don't call me Doll and please don't use my number for stuff like this I have work to do, and you just interrupted. Please refrain from asking me on a date again and only use this number to let me know if you have some info. On the guy I'm looking for. " I said with a very authority tone.

"I wanted to go on a date with you for does two reasons I have info and you are hot so... " he left the sentence in the air waiting for my answer .

"Just tell me the information I don't have time for this. " I complaint "We'll sweetheart if you want the info then go out with me if not well just forget it" he is fucking blackmailing me I can't even believe it.
"Are you seriously blackmailing an agent? Really? You know I could just drag you to a near station and make you talk? " I say angrily.
"Yes I'm very aware of that but you won't so yes? Should I pick you up tomorrow at 7 pm?" He said triumphantly.

"Oh go to hell asshole. Pick me up at 7:30 pm this better be good info if not be sure that your ass will be sleeping in jail. " I threaten him and hang up. I breath harshly God I hope this is worth it. If not I am so killing that guy.

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