What The Actual Fuck?

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I'm so sorry for not updating but this chapters take some time to write and some stuff has been going on i hope you enjoy it and i'm already working on the next chapter.

Chapter 4

What the Actual Fuck?


I think I heard him wrong. Did he just said that his is one of the top agents of the FBI? Because if he did I really don't know what to say and what is happening right about damn now. I look around and for the first time I notice how nice my surroundings are. The walls are painted red, black and gray those seem to be the theme colors of the place, the walls have a lot of very expensive looking paintings decorating them. I was so nervous when we got here that I didn't notice how luxurious this place looks. The tables are polished I think they are made of oak, ginormous chandeliers in weird shapes but they are made of beautiful looking crystals that look like raindrops dangling of the ceiling. This place looks like it was taken out of the Gothic era very elaborated furniture a fountain on the left side that I didn't notice before and double doors on the right side. Also a grand piano in the middle with the tables all around it dominating the room. It smells like vanilla and toasted sugar even with all the delicious food all around and on top of every table and surface available there are roses of every color possible. Whoever put them there knew what was doing they look in harmony with the rest of the décor and nothing seems out of place.

A pianist is playing Clair de lune of Debussy. The grand piano is pretty normal except for the blood red of the bottom and the tiles of it. My thoughts are lightning speed I don't know what to say but I have so many questions. In a way it makes no sense but in another, it makes a lot of sense.

It's so complicated that I can't even start to say how I feel about him been an agent for one side I'm relief that I'm not on a date with an ex-convict but at the same time I don't know if that would be a better thing than this. My investigation about my parents murder is private nobody at the office knows about it.

"Okay wait, so you are telling me that you are FBI and that you didn't say so from the start? Why? Tell me a reason to not say something so important. I was so worry that I was going out with a felon maybe even murderer and that it could get me in trouble and... and Fuck you asshole why would you do that?" I whisper yell at him very angrily. At least I'm still aware of where I am and I know I can't make a scene but oh the surprise he will get when we are out of here.

"First of all I'm sorry that I didn't say anything but I don't really know you it's not something you just put out there especially where we were. Second of all it's only been a couple of hours since we met you can't really be mad at something like this. Third of all really felon? Murderer? If you thought that why go out with me? It makes no sense. I don't think I look like any of those I'm pretty sure." Micha says calmingly making a face that you use for a petulant child. " Looks let's got to the park and walk so we can talk about all this. I don't anybody to possibly hear who I am. I have an assignment too and I need to complete it I can't risk it anymore than I am now. I need your help but you need mine more so I have a proposition for you but first lets go to the park" Fuck I don't like the way all this sounds he is serious I just hope that this won't bite me on the ass later on.


So it didn't go so bad I mean I expected a lot of screaming kicking, threats and a bit more I don't know dramatic. Don't get me wrong she looks like a serious person but I know by the way she answered my call that she has a dramatic strike. I ask for the check, once I paid I walk her to my Audi R8 Sypder which I notice when I was looking at her at the warehouse she has on too fuck that's sexy hers is white and mine is black. I love the fact that we have more things in common, she mentioned when we were talking that she loves sports cars so it's no surprise she has one. What did surprise me is that we have more in common than I thought we did. I open the door for her, she turns her head towards me and gives me an odd look. I ignore it and once she is inside I close the door behind her. I get in the car and drive to the park in the middle of town I put some music on and it's the best decision ever "Perfect by Ed Sheeran" is playing and she starts to sing without realizing she is doing it. I can't believe Demetrix has such an amazing voice that's a hidden talent for sure wow also I love that song who knew?.

I know, I know Micha but that is a romantic song. Yes, yes it is and that man is brilliant his work is impeccable. I don't say anything and just enjoy her voice while she keeps singing on the way to the park. "You have such a beautiful voice. Did you take singing classes or that's just your own talent?" I ask sincerely and curiously while giving her a wide smile. She blushes and looks away "I'm sorry I normally don't sing in front of people. I ah I use to sing with my mom for fun and I have never taken classes."

"You don't have to be sorry, you have a beautiful voice. You use to sing with her? Not anymore?"

"Um no my ah my mom passed away when I was young"

"I'm sorry, I wouldn't have brought it up if I've known"

"It okay you don't have to be sorry, you didn't know I happens. It was a long time ago I won't say I'm over it because I think that when you love someone and they die well you don't get over it. You just learn to deal with it the hole is always there and you always miss the person but it gets a bit easier to deal with time." Demetrix said smiling sadly.

I nod and drop the subject, I open the door for her and we walk towards the picnic tables and sit down. It's time to talk and I really don't know if this is going to go well.


Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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