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   I don't know why.. I don't know how it happened.. But it did happen. Something went wrong and...along the way... We....

  Something triggered this... Maybe it was mother 's death, or maybe their divorce, maybe I am crazy too..or maybe she is in imagination and I am the real one..huh....I am not far away from the truth.
The world is a really messed up place, for everyone, it doesn't matter what race you are, your religion,gender, sexuality, beliefs, you're gonna be judged, crushed down by their expectations. You can't step out of the role you're put have to be a walking stereotype to please them. The world is such a messed up place that rape and war are subjects that are discussed on daily basis and you rarely hear about people who jumped into the fire to save a stranger or about a homeless man who solved a 100 year old math exercise that no one knew. You only hear about death.. And about this messed up place with its messed up people and our messed up minds...

     We really go around fucking everything and everyone...

  Somehere along the story we changed roles...

But now...I am finally free.. The poisons air has finally left my lungs...

And... That's it... I'll be starting a new story soon.

My Air(Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now