Wang Twins

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Jacky Wang (left, black nails, greenish pale color thingy shirt) is 16 years of age. At a young age everyone thought she was going to be that one child in the family who's mean and hurts everyone's feelings and ends up getting pregnant at 17. You know that family member. Yes? Well that's the opposite of it. Jacky is actually quite friendly. She loves the color black yet won't be afraid to let herself out unto a random person.

Jennie Wang is a loud, rude and sassy girl. With 16 years on this planet she sure knows a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a spy but anyways. Jennie loves the color blue and she has a thing for collecting blood. Yep. Blood. She hates being called princess and sweetie pie unless Eli, Jax or Jackson are the ones calling.

Both twins have a secret that only household members know. World War III would happen if anyone else found out.

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