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"Where is my child?!" I grabbed Jax my his shirt collar pulling him down to my height, glaring at him my eyes a dark blue color.

" I-I...s-she t-t-took...." I glared harder squinting my eyes.

" Where the fuck is my child?!"

" I DON'T KNOW!" I shoved him to the floor and held the bridge of my nose. Jax stood up and took off looking for Areum. Who the fuck in their right mind leaves a 15 year old in a shop with only male workers?!

" I woke up real christian this morning Jax. Don't make me lose my christianity card." I glared at the floor before following.

"Areum??" I looked around the store. I sighed in relief when I see her seated down talking to some guys and a femboy clothes in their hands.

"See....she's okay." Jax said putting his arms on my shoulder.
"I'm not done with you yet." I slapped his hands off and went to get the rest of my children




"I'm in front you....."



"Kiseop." I waited for an answer. I looked to my left and right. "Kiseop? What's wrong little one?"

"Huh?!'' Kiseop looked away from a store. "N-Nothing.......Let's..just go home." He entered the car.

" What's wrong with him?" Jennie asked.

" Probably his period took him. You know how breeders are." Kiyoto rolled his eyes.

" That's weird. It's not scheduled for another 2 weeks." I checked my phones calendar as the kids pilled up into the car.

" Let's go Eli."


"He's growing up. Body changes."

" No. He's-

"It still changes." Jax dragged me inside the car.

" I don-

"They will grow up and you cant change that."

"What if-

"He's almost 16. he can have sex after his birthday."

"and what is he-

"Get's pregnant? His fault. Sex before marriage is never okay unless you're with your mate- i mean spouse.'' Jax looked away nervously and started the car.

"I don't want them to grow up...." I whispered looking back at the 5. " Not now...not yet...please."

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