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It's finally the first day of school. God, I'm excited. I love school. I love science, and math, especially English! Say what you want school is awesome.

Okay, since I'm to lazy to give info. I'll sum it up. I woke up the kids, fed them, got them dressed,into into the car and  now we're in the school walking to our lockers.

"Don't look at anyone, don't speak to anyone and don't fall for anyone." I flicked Jax's nose warning everyone.
"Too late." Kiyoto turned my head to a Kiseop. Kiseop looked at a guy, eyes widened and mouth hung open. "Damn it."
The guy walked over to Kiseop. "You dropped this." He held up a pink collar.
"Oh fuc-" he got cut off my the twins smacking his head.
"Fudoodle cakes.......thanks." He took it from that guy their fingers brushing for a few seconds.
"See you around." He walked away and Kiseop's face went red.
"KISEOP AND SUWOONG SITTING IN A TREE!" The twins sang out running around Kiseop. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!"
"Shut up!!" Kiseop started chasing them down the halls.  Kiyoto walked away hands stuffed in pockets. "I'm going....I'm gone!"
I looked at Jax and Areum then back at Jax.
"I'm going to go get ass bye." Jax walked away and into the crowd of girls.
'He's mine.'  A faint voice said. I looked around to find I was alone. Areum was with a girl walking and talking to class.
"Alone.... Again..." I gripped by bag strap and walked to class only to be stopped by some girls.
"Um..Eli?" A short one said. She reminds me of Areum.
"Will...you...um...go out with me?"
"Please...I've been waiting an entire year and -
"If he doesn't say yes you'll jump off a building? Go fuck yourself. Eli's my boyfriend."
"Y-you're gay?!"
"Yep, and he loves taking it up the ass."
"But...I thought-
"You thought wrong." A pair of warm lips was pressed against mine and hands held my waist tightly. I gasped and a tongue got thrusted into my mouth. A few squeaks were heard and shoes hitting the tiled floor as they walked away. I blinked and pulled away from the kiss.
"Never tasted lips so sweet."
"Jax..." I gripped his shirt.
"Yes?" He stroked my hair.
"You kissed me..."
"That's not all I want to do."
"Time for class bubble butt. We'll go on a date later. As an official couple." Jax let me go and walked away
"I didn't agree to this!!"
"Yes you did!"
"No I- crap!!" The bell rang and I ran to class.
Today was officially the best first day of school.

One Fucked Up FamilyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя