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"I hate you two!'' I screamed t the twins.
"Awww....I love you too." Jennie said.
"Bitch." I mumbled and walked into my class.

Entering the class I saw something I didn't want to see.
"Excuse me?!?" I glared at the couple who were dry jumping each other and eating their faces off. The girl pulled away and looked at me.
"Can I help you?'' She said her fake nails tapping on MY desk.
"Uh..yes. Your plastic surgery ass is on MY desk."
"I don't see your name on it." Sr clicked her tongue.
"How blind are you?! My name is engraved in the desk! In fucking silver!" Fake silver by the way. She looked down and let out a annoyingly high giggle. "Oops."
"Oops my ass!" I pushed them off and unto the floor. "My poor baby." I got my disinfectant wipes, which kills 99.99% of the germs and my hand sanitizer. "Did that slut dirty you." I cleaned her up. Yes. My desk is a her. Made by a machine in a factory.
"It's just a stupid desk." The girl mumbled.
"You're just a stupid girl" I mocked her." And also, acrylic nails are so last year. Bitch grow a pair." I held up my hands. "And proper ones, like mine." I plopped down in my seat. "And buy proper soap. God. It smells like-" I can't even describe what it smells like.
"Japanese Cherry Blossom."
"More like your pussy needs washing." I muttered under my breath and sniffed my shirt.
"Never thought a smol bean like you was so rude."
"Huh?" I looked up. It's him.
"Name's Suwoong."
"I know, kitty Kat."
Oh fuck! How did he know?!
"H-howd you know?!" I whisper yelled.
"So you are a cat. Lucky guess."
"It's called observing and you're taken the entire week by me. We're going on a date." He smiled. God those teeth. So bright and white and straight. Can I lick them?!
"Yep. Everyday at 4."
"But...but mommy... Daddy...."
"They'll find out soon."
"I do-" the bell rang cutting me off.
"Don't forget our date today!" He walked away. I smiled blushing.
So far this is the best first day of school.

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