Chapter [1]: What Friends Are For

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A/N: Special thanks to Klovis for this beautiful cover! ^_^


 Don't walk behind me, I may not lead;

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow;

Just walk besides me and be my friend.

~ Albert Camus

(Jessie's POV)

''Jessie, you're crazy!'' Tyler whispered-yelled at me with a smile on his face as our chemistry teacher, Mr. Davids entered the classroom with his poker face. Freaking poker face! ''He's gonna sit!'' he hissed again as he slapped his mouth, trying to hide his smile.

See, little did Mr. Davids know that I did something to his chair. I might've.. kinda.. loosened all of its rear legs so the second he'd sit, he's gonna fall on the floor and on his fat butt. What?! Do you know what he did to me yesterday? Do you?! He humiliated me in front of the whole class! Who the hell needs to know what alkanes are? Like seriously.. He didn't even give me a bad grade, he just wanted to humiliate me. Freaking bitch.

Payback's a bitch, BITCH!

''He deserves it!'' I hissed back at him, already smiling slyly. Oh I'm gonna enjoy this so much.

''Do you really think that's a good idea?'' he said but his smile was still present on his face. ''If he figures out it was you, you're a dead man.''

''Shh, you're distracting me.'' I waved him off as Mr. Davids greeted us.

''Oh I hate autumn, it's so cold and rainy all the time.'' the bitch started blabbering and so did everyone else, seeing that he was in a good mood. He WASN'T SITTING!

''Freaking mother..'' I started mumbling under my breath making Tyler giggle. I growled a little under my breath but still rolled my eyes at his cute giggle. What? His giggle IS cute, ask anyone. And he knows it because he always try to convince me to buy him sweets.

''..but enough chit-chat.'' he ended sternly and everyone went silent because they are kinda afraid of this strict mofo. Oh God FINALLY. ''I have a little surprise for you all..'' Wait what? He pulled out some pieces of paper from his briefcase and I felt my eyes went wide. ''What are you waiting for, an invitation? Everyone, a piece of paper and a pen.''

Everyone complied cursing and mumbling under their breath, well everyone but me because I was in shock. Not only that he didn't freaking sit on his chair and give me the satisfaction to see him fall on his butt, he's giving me a surprise test. Why? Because f*ck you, that's why.

''The paper lucky bastard,'' I saw Tyler waving his hand in front of my face with a freaking smile on his face. Once I gained to my senses all I could do was to say..

Oh my God, I'm f*cked..

''You have to help me Ty!'' I begged desperately, catching his hand and refraining myself to yell at him to stop. I needed him. ''If I get another bad grade my parents will skin me alive!'' I hissed, my heart pouting a little faster as I saw that bitch coming closer to me with the papers in his hands.

The nerve just smiled teasingly while rolling his eyes but he didn't give me an answer. Great friend indeed.. He'd let me die I'm telling you!

''Ty!'' I whispered again, mentally cringing because my voice was even more desperate than before. ''Ty, I swear if you're not going to help me, I'm-''

''Fine, fine I'll hell Geez.'' he replied, trowing his hands in the air the second I started nagging him. I raised my eyebrow at this but said absolutely nothing as I saw the piece of paper in front of me.

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