Chapter [8]: I Am Here

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Friendship is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.

~ Muhammad Ali

(Third POV)

‘’Nothing!’’ the nurse yelled as the electric impulse went through the woman’s body, making her bounce a little on the bed. ‘’No pulse!’’

The doctor let out a frustrated sigh as he snatched the defibrillator from the nurses’ hands in a fluid move, making her blink rapidly.

‘’Move!’’ he yelled as he showed the nurse away from his way as he got to the woman on the bed. ‘’Charge.. Clear!’’ the woman’s lifeless body bounced again with no result..

‘’Time of death, five-‘’ another nurse started talking, but the doctors’ rough voice interrupted her. ‘’Charge.. Clear!’’ he yelled and watched the woman in front of him..

For a millisecond he thought about giving up. There was nothing he could do. He already tried two times.. That was before he looked though the window on the room..

The doctor’s teeth clenched.

A brown-haired boy was sitting in the waiting room and two boys were besides him trying to soothe him, but they were obviously failing because none of them knew what the boy was going through. The boy had his head in his hands, but his shoulders trembled as the other two boys exchanged a worried look. They were his friends, the doctor knew that much..

So he tried again, again and again.. Until he was out of breath and until it felt like ages have passed and he was still in the room with the woman he had to save..

Eventually, a faint beeping sound echoed in the room. The doctor let out a sigh, looking at the heart monitor. We have a pulse.. he thought as he let out an exhausted sigh.

(Stephen's POV - after four days) 

He is fading away..

Jessie is fading away with each passing day. He became distant, withdrawing so deeply into himself and I couldn't reach him no matter how hard I tried. It pained that the only thing I could do is.. nothing. F*cking nothing! I couldn't do anything to take away his pain. He's hiding from me, shielding his emotions so none would see..

A few seconds after we got in the ambulance, his mother had a heart attack. Jessie had to see his mothers' heart stop in front of him.. I can't even begin to describe the look of pure pain and terror on his face.. When we got to the hospital, he was already paler than usual, his eyes red from all the tears he held back.

The first night, he didn't even want to leave her side so I stayed by his side. I couldn't leave him alone in the state he was, not that I wanted to. I didn't feel more useless in my entire life. I couldn't even soothe the one love..

Then, he had to deal with the fact that his mom entered in a comatose state. The doctors said she was stable, for now, but they didn't know when she will wake up. That crushed him..

The second day, he didn't even come to school. Obviously, worry engulfed me. He was alone in his house.. I didn't know what thoughts may or may not cross his mind. Even if I knew him like the bottom of my hand, I didn't know how'd he react in this particular situation..

The day after, he came to school and even though I was relieved he did it, my heart skipped a beat when I saw him. He was.. a shadow of his former self. It was like his will to live.. vanished. He wasn't talking, wasn't looking at you in the eyes.. He was doing thinks in an automatic way, like a robot. I felt my worry talking the best of me and I tried everything and anything, just to see some of the old Jessie..

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