Chapter [10]: The Plan

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A/N: Warning: chapter full of sweetness. If you have diabetes, you probably shouldn't read. Oh just kidding go ahead and read it, you'll be just fine! ^_^

Dedicated to you Ka2en2nD as a thank you for your lovely comment! :-)


Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.

~ Bruce Lee

(Jessie's POV) 

Is this weird? Wrong in.. some way?

As I was watching him sleeping peacefully in my bed, I couldn't help but wonder. I looked at his relaxed face, my mouth slowly taking the shape of an 'o'. The barrier he always puts around people is gone. He looked at ease, almost.. happy as he murmured something in his sleep I couldn't pick up. It almost makes me want to always see that face when I wake up every day..

I slowly went to touch it but the second I realized what I was doing, I stopped myself, blushing like crazy.

He ended up spending the night at my place. All night he.. held me close to him, rested his head on the back of my neck, our feet were almost always tangled.. you get the point. And my heart was all this time slamming in my chest with so much force, it took me way too much freaking time to calm down. I wondered how I did manage to sleep anyway!

As I stood on the edge of the bed fully dressed, starring at him, I remembered stupidly that I did try to wake him up a few seconds earlier so we woudn't be late for school but noo. He just murmured something and turned his back at me. Can you believe it?! I never thought he's a heavy sleeper.

Oh God.. what the hell is happening? He was on top of me! He kissed me! He told me he loves me! And the worst part.. I freaking liked it! Judging by the state I was in, I would've probably let him f*ck the hell out of.. GOD!

Are we like.. together now? Call me old fashioned but if he would've just asked me out or something it'll be much easier! But no, that would've been too easy, right?

I let out a sigh.

I looked at the clock and gritted my teeth when I saw that it was a half hour past seven. We are late. We are so late! No, no we are going to be so late!

''Stephen how long are you planning on sleeping?! We are going to be late!'' I finally yelled, losing my patience with him. I  watched him flinch a little and almost laughed at his confused face, as he looked at me sleepily. Oh, this time it worked!

''I so like how you wake me up..'' he said grudgingly, giving me a look that told me he wasn't a morning person. Despite that, I still wanted to laugh a little because he looked so.. cute right now. Yes, Stephen Romero the guy with the 'I'd-like-to-see-you-try-to-piss-me-off' look on his face was frowning at me, making me think of a lost little boy who didn't know what was going on. His head was messy and his eyes unfocused. He looked almost.. adorable.

I quickly bit my lower lip when I felt the corners of my lips curving up. That didn't help because he gave me an annoyed look, but that didn't stop me from ruffling his messy hair. He looked like I just slapped him, which made it even funnier.

''What? You look cute with your hair like that!'' I almost exclaimed excitedly and when I stopped, he considered me while raising an eyebrow.

''So, I look cute.'' he repeated my words in disbelief, accentuating the word. I only nodded, the smirk showing on my lips.

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