Chapter [16]: Closure/A New Beggining (END)

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A/N: Well.. you have it. This is the last chapter of Erotic and Friendly. Long chapter, I know, but it's the last one so it's nice and long. (That's what she said.) I want to say that love you, awesome reader, for sticking with me and my story 'till the end. Just wanted to point out how awesome you are! :-)

P.S: You will find lots of these -> *** in the chappie, meaning time skip. Just letting you know. Also, this chappie contains sex scene. All of my works contain the naughty. You are welcome. ^_^


 Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.

~ James A. Baldwin

(Jessie's POV)

''Why can't it be me?'' Ty suddenly asked while he looked at me, sadness in his tone and over his features. I just returned his sad look.

We were on his bed, him cuddled up to me as I was holding him tightly. I understood his question to well..

''I don't know.. It's just.. I guess it has to be him.'' I said apologetically, cursing myself mentally for even talking about Stephen just after he had a.. break down.

Yeah, that was a break down. I guess I'd be the same. Let the whole screaming and breaking things aside.. If I'd suddenly find out that Stephen didn't love me anymore.. I'd lock myself in my room, draw the curtains and cry myself to sleep for days..

Everyone reacts to things differently. I just never thought Ty would love me like that.. and that strongly too.

That's why I, myself, was sad right now.. because I understood exactly how Ty felt. I wanted to offer him my support. I really wanted to help him and take away his pain. But I also knew that, my way of trying to help may make him not good at all..

''I think you know very well why..'' he nearly whispered, breaking eye contact to rest his head on my chest.  ''You two were best friends for years.. always close.. ''

I pulled him even more closer to me when I thought I felt him muscles tensing. I let out a sigh.. We were best friends for years.. huh?

''He freaking left you to go to freaking Italy for two years!'' he nearly yelled out, making me snicker lightly. He looked at me with a faint, very faint smile on his face, a nearly sad one but.. it was enough for me. I was afraid I'd never see him smile again. ''I don't know how you fell in love with him..''


''He hasn't got the best personality in the world you know?'' he questioned, looking at me rater funny, making me smile. Oh, I knew. I knew.

''You'll be stuck with him for a very long time. Is that really what you want?'' he started into my eyes with his baby-blue ones that I always found beautiful, even though he said that he hater their colour. I didn't understand why. I asked him what was his favourite eyes colour and.. I forgot what was his answer. That was a very long time ago. I didn't even know why I was remembering this now..

''Are you trying to change my mind?'' I thought out loud when I remarked a faint hope in his eyes. This time, he gave me the saddest smile I've ever seen and I felt a pang in my heart.

''I.. yeah.'' he breathed out, biting his lower lip and piercing my eyes with his sad ones. ''Even though I know I shouldn't try.. I tried anyways. I tried because I didn't want to taunt myself later because I didn't. I.. didn't stand a chance from the very beginning, did I?''

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