Chapter [2]: Biscuits, Video Games and Sex

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 A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.

~ Jim Morrison

(Third POV)

Jessie Bullet stood besides his best friend Stephen Dorian, in front of the airport. He paused, feeling sadness engulfing him as he knew he had to say goodbye to his trusted friend.

''Well, here we are.'' Stephen forced his voice to come out normally, dismissing the fact that he, himself, felt gloomy. He forced himself especially because he still saw sorrow in his friend's eyes even though he could tell Jessie was trying his best to hide it. He knew his best friend since they were kids so he knew him very well, maybe even better than Jessie knew himself.

''I just wish you didn't have to go..'' Jessie paused, biting his lip. ''..You know? he resumed, steadying his voice. Come one, he could do it. He had to.

Stephen sighed. He had to go. His father left them years ago and his mother found a job in Italy half a year ago. Things were going well for her so, his mother wanted him besides her.

But seeing Jessie like that, a sudden urge to get in the car with him and drive far away from the airport engulfed him. Still, he got a hold of himself and locked away his emotions. It wasn't in his nature to express that many feelings anyway and, in fact, he knew it wasn't what Jessie needed right now.

''Come on Jessie, you're not going to cry me river are you?'' Stephen decided to lighten up the mood with a joke but his friend was blinking rapidly while looking at him, his eyes bigger than usual and almost teary.

You're making it harder than it is.. Stephen thought dryly.

''Look Jessie, it's not like I'll be gone forever.'' Stephen got a hold of his friend's shoulders trying his best to keep him from crying. Comforting people wasn't his thing, but he sure as hell didn't want to see Jessie cry. From all the persons in the world, he didn't want to see him cry. He saw that once and it saddened him beyond relief. ''I'll come back okay?''

''You promise?'' Jessie asked in a faint voice. Stephen opened his mouth to answer cut he was cut off by Jessie.

''Will we still be friends?''

Oh God.. ''I will come back and yes, we will still be friends. It's a promise.'' Stephen smiled kindly.

Jessie believed his best friends' kind words as he forced himself to smile. Stephen let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, seeing Jessie was okay. Well.. better than a few seconds before.

''Stay fab.'' Stephen smirked at his best friend.

Jessie laughed. The fabulous thing, it was their thing since.. quite a while now but it was always funny to hear.

(Jessie's POV ~ present day)

An hour later, after the classes were over Stephen and I were at my place, hanging out. We were playing Mortal Kombat 9 and he was.. beating my ass. It is not fair! I played this game before he did! All it needed was me to explain to him the controls and all and BOOM. I am losing!

''How did that feel huh?'' Stephen asked me smirking cockily as he won the first round. I growled but didn't look at him, preparing myself for the second round. I dismissed his snicker. The victory will be mine bitch!

I delivered the first punch and I was feeling very, very proud.

Half way through the second round and his life bar was missing the first half and mine was almost full. I was on cloud nine!

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