Chapter 13: The Blackout

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Hello to the great people of Wattpad! Enjoy:)

The picture on the side is of Aden.


You know when you have those days where everything passes in a blur? This was definitely one of those days.

Blake had picked me up this morning. The whole ride I had complained about how it was too early and then yelled at him for being too loud when he turned on the music. He looked as confused as hell.

When we got to school my friends had stormed over and started talking to me. It seemed like they were talking a million miles a minute.

It was 4th hour, the last hour before lunch, and it still seemed as if I had just gotten up. My head was pounding and I felt like falling over. As long as it meant I didn't have to hold my head up anymore I was all for it! The muscles in my neck were taut and aching.

I've already been yelled at by the teacher for not paying attention twice. I don't know why I was feeling this way. I have no recollection of ever feeling this bad. After all, I never get sick or sore.

At last the lunch bell rang. The shrill ring made my head almost explode. I hurried to cover my ears, but by the time my hands reached my head the noise had stopped. I rose slowly so I didn't tip over. My movements felt jerky and sluggish.

I made my way towards the cafeteria at the pace of a snail. By the time I was halfway there, the hallways had already cleared out.

My friends are probably wondering where I am since I am always one of the first to arrive at our table. I hope they aren't too concerned.

I was starting to get lightheaded from all of this motion.

Suddenly, as I was rounding a corner, I got tunnel vision. I stumbled and tried to regain my balance. It didn't work and I started to fall. I felt someone catch me at the last second.

The last thing I remember is someone calling my name.

(A/N Wouldn't you guys hate me if I left it off here? Not only would it be super DUPER short but it would also have a big cliffhanger. I seriously thought about doing it just to piss you guys off and then I would have posted the other part of the chapter a few days later. But since I love you guys I decided to post it all at once. Please read on!)

All of the sudden I was aware of my surroundings. It wasn't just a gradual wake up. No, it was a bam! I'm awake! type of awakening. The blackness receded, leaving me in control of my motions and my senses working perfectly again.

I kept my eyes closed so I could survey my surroundings with my other senses without anyone guessing that I was conscious. 

 I heard 2 people breathing. One of them felt my wrist for a pulse.

"Her pulse seems normal. I'm not sure what caused her to faint, but she should be regaining consciousness soon." said a woman's voice. It was most likely the school nurse.

Why am I in the nurses office?

Oh yeah... That blackout.

"Alright. When she wakes up can she leave? Since she seems fine and everything...." someone else asked.

I know that voice.

Blake? What was Blake doing here? I think it's time for me to "wake up" so I can figure out what's going on.

"Yes I suppose." said the nurse.

I started to blink my eyes slowly so they could get used to the bright light about me.

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