Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey guys! So, as mentioned in the previous chapter this update was quite late due to my being on holiday to attend a wedding, which was heaps of fun. And then when I came back I had to go straight into surgery to get my wisdom teeth removed, and I only really felt like doing anything of substance yesterday. By the time I finished the chapter it was almost midnight, so I couldn't upload it yesterday, sorry :/ On the other hand, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and I'll try and get another one up soon! Bye! Oh, and I apologise for any weird things that happened with the lay-out of the text. I'm attempting to write all my stories with the proper grammar, punctuation and lay-out, but I'm not entirely sure how well that will work in Wattpad.



*Friday before school*

              I waited patiently outside of Library One, having already checked inside to see if Tamaki was there. He wasn’t, so that left me there awkwardly. I sighed and checked the time on my phone. It was 7-45 a.m. and school started at 8-30. Maybe I was too early. To pass the time I shoved in my earphones and started listening to BriBry with closed eyes. A tap on my shoulder finally prompted me to reopen my eyes and see Tamaki in front of me with Haruhi beside him.

              “You wanted to talk to me?” I asked coldly and Tamaki nodded enthusiastically, while Haruhi offered me a smile.

              “Amanda, I'm really sorry about how I treated you. I honestly shouldn’t have just trusted Maki over you. If you still want me to be, I'm your friend,” Haruhi blurted suddenly, very out of character. I looked at her startled, before nodding.

“Sure.” Tamaki looked shocked at my agreement before I turned to him.

“Fire away, Tamaki-senpai.”

“I wrote you a poem!” He exclaimed happily and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Of course he did.

“Okay…Feel free to recite it.”

“I will! Here goes, Amanda. I apologise gracefully, I apologise to you,” Tamaki said, to my surprise in fluent English. “I am saying that I'm sorry / for making you feel blue. / I shouldn’t have believed her / and instead should’ve trusted you / after all you were there / and therefore have the truth. / I’m sorry / please forgive me?” As Tamaki spoke he had a dreamy expression on his face, not dissimilar to the one I get when I play the flute. Well, to be honest the poem was ridiculously cheesy, but kudos to him for realising why I was upset, and also for saying it in my first language.

“Alright, I forgive you,” I said, after waiting a minute to torture him, and also to brace myself for the hug I was sure he would give me.

“Really?” He asked, sounding surprised, and I nodded.


“But I didn’t even get to step two,” he whined and I grinned reluctantly. To be honest, I'm only forgiving the hosts so quickly because I dislike holding grudges, and besides, they’re my friends after all, and they’re making an effort to apologise. Well, at least three of them have.

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