Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey guys! So, this chapter didn't turn out at all like I'd expected it to, but all in all I'm actually quite pleased with it. I think this story is nearly at it's end, which is quite an achievement for me, as I've never actually finished an extended piece of writing, which is what this is (it's currently just over 49 pages long on word). However, it's quite sad at the same time, and I'm not looking forward to saying goodbye to my precious Ama-chan so soon. Oh, and THANK YOU FOR 2K+ reads! That is amazing, and truly inspiring. I love you all so much, and I hope you enjoy the chapter! P.s. sorry if it seems a bit rushed over all.


I was right. Being stuck in a small room isn’t the most riveting way to spend your time. To pass the time I tried telling myself stories, stories in which the characters lived happily ever after. Well, tried being the key word. Despite my hardest efforts I continuously drove my protagonists into situations that could never end well. Oops. For example, one prince ended up falling off a cliff, and another ended up locked away in a dungeon for the rest of his life. Yeah, I don’t really tend to look on the bright side of life.

“Miss Destiro,” Hiroki sung as he let himself in. I raised my eyes to glare briefly at him before I returned to staring at a small patch of mould that was growing in one of the corners. I’d been looking at it for so long I could almost swear that I’d seen it grow. Hiroki sighed. “Miss Destiro, it would be easier on both of us if you would just cooperate,” he said sounding somewhat fed up and I smirked.

“I know.”

“So why won’t you tell me?” Hiroki pleaded, or seemed to at least. For the tenth time in three days he was trying to coerce me into revealing all the information I knew about Destiro Corporation. Yeah, I'd been here for three days already, and my fifteenth birthday was long over. What a wonderful way to have spent it, locked up in a room after being kidnapped.

“I don’t want to,” I explained simply and Hiroki growled curses under his breath. How vulgar, I commented mentally, ignoring the fact that I often do the same thing when stuck in a close proximity with Tamaki and the twins for extended amounts of time. I heard a disgruntled noise and looked over at Hiroki. He was slumped against the wall, holding his head in his hands. Good, my tenacity was irritating him.

“Why do you even think that I know anything about Destiro Corporation anyway?” I asked curiously and Hiroki glared at me. I met his gaze levelly and he let out a sigh.

“I'm following orders. Apparently you know the code to the family’s trust fund,” Hiroki admitted, and I kept my confusion off of my face. Why would they want the code to the trust fund? It was basically only enough to keep Hisoka, Tadashi and myself in school and off the streets should the business go bankrupt. If they wanted real money, they would have wanted to know the business’s bank account details.

“Well, sorry to inform you, but I don’t actually know the code,” I told him, lying through my teeth. Of course I know the code; I basically hacked everything to do with the family when I first arrived. Needless to say, I knew the code to the bank account as well, not to mention each family member’s personal account details. Oops. But how did they know that I knew? Obviously Hiroki had no clue as to how his boss knew, but somehow someone had found out, despite me removing all traces of my cyber presence from the network’s system.

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