Chapter 11

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A/N: Okay guys it is here at last! Once again, I'm so sorry for the long wait, but as I explained in the author's note, I had a sudden influx of schoolwork, and suddenly I needed to study for exams, which are over now, thank God. I'll try and update next Saturday as well, but it may be a bit later as I now have a school camp for a week, so that'll be fun, not. On a different note, THANK YOU FOR 1K READS! I love everyone who's ever taken the time to read my story, and also to those who thought my writing worthy enough for a vote. I love you all and I'll see you soon <3


“Ama-chan! Ama-chan!” Two voices were chanting in my ear, trying to wake me up. I considered telling them to shut up, but decided against it, because they would just roll her out of bed.

“Come on Ama-chan, we’re having a sibling bonding day, minus Maki, but that should make you want to come even more!” Hisoka exclaimed with way to much cheer for a morning, and I tried to stop a smile spreading across my face at his evident happiness. These two really are persistent.

“Yeah, come on Ama-chan and give up the act; we can see you smirking!” Tadashi said just as cheerfully and I gave in.  

“Ugh, fine,” I muttered sleepily, not opening my eyes, and I heard the irritating pair laugh.

“Get up now or we’ll tickle you,” Hisoka said teasingly and I practically leapt out of bed and onto my carpeted floor.

  “Never!” I cried, and the twins shared an evil glance before laughing in unison. I instantly saw my mistake and tried to pencil-roll away, but the pair immediately started tickling me mercilessly. I exploded into laughter, pathetically trying to get revenge on them, which didn’t really work. Eventually Tadashi took mercy on me, and together we ganged up to tickle Hisoka, which was of course the time my parents decided to walk in. They took one look at us rolling around on the floor, shook their heads and walked straight back out. The twins and I shared a glance, before bursting into laughter.

Eventually I managed to calm down. “Okay, so what does this ‘sibling bonding day minus Maki’ consist of?” I asked the twins who gave me identical mysterious smiles.

“That is for us to know,” Tadashi started.

“And for you to find out.” Hisoka finished. I gave them my puppy-dog eyes and I saw Hisoka’s will crumble. That was, until Tadashi hit him over the head.

“We’re going to leave you to get dressed, come on Hisoka!” Tadashi yelped, running out of my room, pulling Hisoka along with him. I rolled my eyes at their antics, before getting ready. As I pulled on my jeans, I glanced down at my mostly healed cuts. They were now just pink stripes against my pale skin, glaring up at me to remind me that I wasn’t fully changed. I sighed. I don’t think I can ever change completely, and there’ll always be that urge at the back of mind to cut, taunting me for the rest of my life. It’s not surprising though, considering it was my rock for well over a year. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. It doesn’t do any good to dwell on the past, and besides, I have a family that loves me and some decent friends. That reminds me, I need to call Rachael and see how she is. I finished getting dressed and headed downstairs to find the twins.

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