In Too Deep

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I watched in horror as my hands turned black, and long, sharp nails grew from my flesh. I tried holding it back, but the darkness fought. The demon was much stronger. I gripped the edge of the stone sink, desperately trying not to look into the mirror. I knew what would be staring back at me if I did. The sight was too frightening to bear. My vision blurred, and that's when everything turned grayscale on me. It was like watching an old movie. That's when I knew, the beast had taken over.

"You thought you could fight me?!" The demon laughed, using my lips to speak.

Just when I was hoping he wouldn't, the teacher who escorted me here poked his head through the door cautiously.

"Is everything--" he began, but stopped when his eyes landed on me. Or rather, what used to be me. He saw the demon. It was too late for him now, he couldn't be saved. Before I could speak to the demon, I watched the innocent man get torn apart in front of my very eyes.

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