Age Reader

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"Beat it kids." I scoffed. "You're not getting in." The two 17 year olds huffed and began walking away.

"How'd she know they were fake, bro?" The one teen asked his friend. His friend just shrugged. I smirked and turned back to the next person in line. Something was very strange about this man. He was very handsome, and by his looks I'd have guessed he was 30 or so. But the number above his head read 1200. 1200 years old? How is that possible? I held out my hand to take his ID and he gave it to me. Fake. But it did read 32 years old. I handed it back to him in shock and opened the door for him. He gave me a charming smile and walked in.

Skip ahead to 3 hours later, it was 6am and the club was closing. People were filing out, drunk and hanging onto friends. I was inside talking to my manager when I saw him again. I glanced at his handsome face and noticed the number hadn't changed. What in the world? He smiled again and walked out. I continued talking to my manager after he left, and handed him my badge. He told me to have a good night and I left. After walking out I looked tiredly up at the rising sun and turned the corner to get to my car.

"Hey there." A deep voice stopped me in my tracks. I looked over and the man was leaning against the wall.

"Uh, hi." I stared.

"Look I just wanted to ask...would you like to get coffee with me sometime?" He asked walking closer. His question confused me and it took a minute before I could conjure a reply.

"Yeah sure. I'm Amanda. What's--"

"Travis. Here's my number. I'll text you." He handed me a piece of paper and started towards a sleek looking car in the parking lot.

"O-ok bye." I stood there for a moment.

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