My Father

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I hurried down the stairs of my high school. They said it was urgent. My "dad" was here. At least, that's what I call him in public. He was here to most likely to take me on another "vacation". How fun.

When I got the main office, my eyes nearly popped out of my head. There, in the main office stood my bruised and bloodied "father". He was holding onto the desk for support.

"Did you drive here?!" I yelled, pissed off at the sight of blood staining his white tank top.

"Did I drive here, are you crazy?! Of course I drove here. Now come on, we got that....appointment you had." He began walking out, grabbing my arm to pull me out of the office full of horrified workers. Their faces pale as ghosts.

"What appointment?" I blurted.

"The I forgot about. Just get in the car!" He shouted, pulling me through the final set of doors. We ran to his 1957 Chevy Bel Air and I noticed he was walking pretty good despite his injuries.

I slipped into the passenger side and he started the car. He pulled out of the parking lot quickly and drove straight for the highway. The car ride was silent, just the sound of the road and the car's engine met my ears. Suddenly the sound of police sirens was heard behind us.

"Shit." He cursed, stepping on the gas to speed up onto the highway. Once merged, he got into the left lane and sped up to 80mph. Soon, the sirens disappeared. He passed every car he could and drove like that for another hour at roughly the same speed. Then I noticed something was wrong. Trevor's head was moving a lot, and it looked like he was falling asleep.

"Trevor! Pull off this exit." I demanded. He began slowing down and shifted lanes to exit off the highway into a rest area. Once parked I got out and pulled him out of the seat. His eyes looked fuzzy and unfocused so I leaned him against the car while I grabbed the first aid kit. Then I slung his arm over my shoulders and helped his walk into the Women's room. I pushed him up onto the sink counter, then removed his shirt. Fresh blood continued to pour out of a possible gunshot wound. I quickly realized I'd need to stitch him up. It wasn't the first time I'd done it, but I was still nervous.

A few minutes later, the hole was stitched and his abs were clean of blood. His eye lids looked really heavy as he struggled to keep them open. I really hoped he didn't need a transfusion, we would have to find a hospital for that. For now, I pulled him off the counter and threw his bloody shirt in the trash can then walked back to the car. I set him in the passenger seat and hoped for the best. Starting the car, I got back on the highway but drove at the actual speed limit. Trevor fell asleep in the passenger seat and quickly I checked his pulse to make sure he was okay. Still breathing. I drove a few more miles until we made it to another exit and a dusty motel right off it. Perfect for the night.

I pulled in and parked the car. Leaving him in there since he was still sleeping, I grabbed his wallet to pay for a room. I left the office with the room key and decided to bring some of the bags into the room before dragging Trevor inside.

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