Sought Out

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I stared in astonishment at my fingertips that were beginning to frost over. Surely the water wasn't that cold, how could it be? This was no natural phenomenon, I was sure of it. Suddenly my mind snapped to Mindy, she was about to take a shower right this minute. If that water was to touch her she could freeze on the spot. I dropped what I was doing and rushed to the bathroom. I barged in and ripped open the curtain just as she turned the water on. My action caused her to shoot up and glare. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the tub.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She yelped, almost tripping on the edge of the tub.

"The water. It's dangerous." I panted. My eyes travelled to her bare shoulder where some of the water touched her already. I pointed at the spot where ice began forming and she looked down.

"What the hell?" She muttered. She looked back up at me. "How did you know that?" Without a word I showed her my finger tips that were also covered in ice. Suddenly she shoved me back by the shoulders and grabbed a towel to cover her naked form. A blush forming on her cheeks, she asked for me to leave. I chuckled and walked out, shutting the door behind me.

10 minutes later she walked out into the living room and sat on the opposite couch from me. It was silent, I was starring at the wall in thought.

"Do you think...he...did this?" She asked, breaking the silence.

"It must be. If that's true then we can't stay here any longer. Come, pack your things." I stood and walked quickly to our room. She wordlessly followed after me to do as I said. I couldn't put her in any more danger by staying here, it didn't make sense. Within 5 minutes we were packed and leaving the apartment. We took the elevator down to the lobby and quickly got in my white Chevy Traverse. Soon we were leaving the city, probably never to return.

After roughly 2 hours of driving, Mindy spoke up.

"Where are we going?" She asked, staring out the window.

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