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There she was, the pinched face lady on the television. She was talking about the "rebellious ones". This lady was named Barbara Ciscoroy. She was CEO of her little robot company. Turning disobedient little brats into stone cold, machines. Starting from the age of 6, all the way to 18 year olds were "fixed".

The process was simple, get frustrated parents to buy the little earpieces. Give the kids the earpieces, and bam! You have millions of little minions around the world. I personally saw the issue the moment Cicsoroy came out with these dumb products. But hundreds, eventually thousands of people bought into the idea. Now society was being overrun. Even adults started believing this lady. It was a scary thing.

My friend Lydia came over and waved a hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my trance, and she asked if I was alright.

"Yeah, sorry. Just thinking about society." I replied.

"Ugh, come on Steph. It's not like we can come up with some brilliant plan to stop the whole company! There's over thousands of affected kids all over the world!" She exclaimed. I sat quietly then turned to her slowly, a grin stretching across my face. "No, nu-uh. That's your idea face, and it always gets us in trouble!" She huffed.

"Think about it, Lydia. We could be heroes! You, me, and whoever else we can get to help!" I shouted. My adrenaline kicked in and I flitted around the room in search of a notepad. It's what I always needed when I came up with an idea.

"Steph, stop and let's think reasonably here. A huge company, controlling thousands of kids. How are we going to stop them?" She asked.

"There has to be some sort of main computer, we just need to find it." I suggested, finally snatching my notepad and flipping to a new page.

"Yeah, then what? We hack it and shut down everything? Life doesn't work like the movies, Steph!" Lydia rolled her eyes and plopped onto the sofa next to me.

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