Ch-14 Clean Slate

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Matthew sat upon a horse as he helped herd the cattle to a new part of the humongous property. His 2 year old sat in a bag on his back. Baby Francis giggled happily as his mother made swift turns and guided a few younger cows back to the main herd. Tatiana and Lorain stopped beside him. The younger Lorain had fallen pregnant again while Tatiana carried her new baby in a bag. Matthew dismounted and led his horse over to a tree where he tied the horse up. An alpha came over and removed the horse's saddle and bags for Matthew. Matthew thanked the girl and hurried over to where some omegas were started up a fire. Matthew felt the weight on his back disappear and he quickly turned around. Isabel stood there holding Baby Francis on her hip. Matthew smiled and walked forward nuzzling Isabel's shoulder.

"You've been acting a little off, maybe you should go see Tatiana about that." Isabel says. Matthew sighs and nods. He walks over to where the two older omegas sat gutting a deer each. He went over to his lead omega; Tatiana.

"Tatiana, Isabel told me to come over to you because I haven't been feeling all that well." Matthew says. Tatiana stops her work and beckons for Matthew to come sit next to her.

"Help me with this first." Tatiana smiles. Matthew nods and helps Tatiana gut and skin the deer before leaving it to the youngsters to cut up and cook. Lorain and Tatiana walk around Matthew as they look him over. Tatiana came closer to Matthew and laid a hand on his stomach. Tatiana giggled and gestured for Lorain to come over. Lorain checks Matthew's stomach as well and giggles.

"Matthew your pregnant; nothing new." Tatiana smiles. Matthew stops and places a hand on his stomach before looking at them.

"You asked Isabel to mate you; of course three to four heats later you've fallen pregnant." Lorain says.

"But, but I'm not meant to be. I'm meant to forever be Francis'. Oh my I've cheated on him, I can't believe it." Matthew started crying. Tatiana and Lorain stepped forward and gently hugged Matthew.

"Shhhh, don't worry. The way this war is going you'll have this child and it'll still be going on. When it ends we will take the child and you can have Baby Francis." Tatiana says. Matthew nods and the pair rub their cheeks together in a sign of close friendship.

"Yes Isabel will understand, she is a very good alpha Matthew and I wish you could stay with us and not live in the shadows on the verge of death all the time." Lorain says. Matthew and Lorain also rub cheeks and the three omegas walk over to Isabel who is playing with Baby Francis.

"Mummy!" Baby Francis tries to run over to Matthew. He nearly trips over but Matthew quickly grabbed him.

"Hello sweetie, were you having fun?" Matthew asks. Baby Francis giggles.

"Isabel showing me to play in dirt." The 2 year old says in his broken English. Matthew smiles and giggles nodding.

"Alright well I have to make dinner so I'll leave you with Isabel for a while longer." Matthew hands Baby Francis back over to Isabel. He walks over to the large fire with Tatiana and Lorain and the three start helping with dinner.

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