Complete Collection 1-2

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Part 1:


Today, Hanji visited Levi. She came without warning, her glasses tilted as she talked to him.

"To hell with you," Levi muttered.

"So I finally come to get you, and all you have to say is 'to hell with you'?" Hanji asked, pressing her mouth closer to the microphone.


"I just came to tell you that it's safe to go back home. I'm sorry about Eren, though—"

"Don't you fucking play that on me!" Levi said. He stood up, looking at her through the thick, bulletproof glass. Two men came from behind him, locking his hands behind his back.

But it was her fault. She killed Eren, so why was she here? Couldn't she leave Levi alone and let him wallow in the filth of his own cell? No cellmates, no food that he could eat. He would die alone, because it sure beat dying with Hanji.

"Calm down, Ackerman!" Some man said. One of the two that held him down.

"Don't fuck with me! I'll fucking kill you if I get my hands on you! It's all your fault that—" Levi said to Hanji. But she just hung the phone on the wall. And she just up and walked away, leaving him in the filthy cell again.

Back to work. He'd get to see daylight at his lunch break. And tomorrow, they'd let him visit Eren. Supervised, of course. Because he was a danger to society. A freak that killed for fun. They all had it wrong.


Being pushed around the campus, a young boy, the age of seventeen, held in his hand the flyer for the school. When he was a child in elementary, people thought he would never make it to this stage. A disaster. Such a weirdo. He can't even hold his pen correctly. Every insult was the same for him, something that went by through the day and went out at night, like a candle that would forever hold its lighter. He was the reason the lighter was there from the start, because of his 'disability', people would take advantage of that to put him down and throw his free-willed soul around.

But he had made it on the top of the class in high school. Each year, he'd look at his name pinned on the top of the board, and his best friend's right next to him. It was such an accomplishment to get through life this much for somebody like him, somebody who couldn't walk to the bathroom alone. His bones were simply made fragile so that he wasn't able to walk properly or use his hands very well. But over time, his muscles grew slightly stronger, and then by the time he was thirteen, he could finally have the strength to feed himself and write with either hand.

As a child, he would fall down a lot, and then cry helplessly on the floor because there was no way for him to roll himself upright, and it was impossible for him to scoot forward, because his arm and leg muscles were not developed properly. When the family adopted a special needs dog, it did help their burden a lot. The dog would run around with Eren, and whenever he'd fall or injure himself, the dog would bark or run to one of his parents. But when his mother died, and then his father left, there was no more need for the dog, and no one else to take care of Eren.

His sister, Mikasa, had moved in with him then, after being away in France because their parents thought that Eren was too much of a hassle and sent their daughter off with another guardian for five years. Although Eren couldn't physically take care of himself then, he can now. With a little help from a wheelchair and extra support railings that were installed into his old house that he shared with his sister, he could finally for the first time in his life be left alone and have the ability to get to the bathroom, eat by himself, and even get into bed. When that happened, his week was filled with nothing but joy and a small victory dance whenever he'd be able to do anything that he previously was unable to.

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