Complete Collection 13-14

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When everything had ended, and when Eren had finally calmed down slightly, he returned back to the dorms with Mikasa. Instead of seeing the raven seated possibly on his own bed, or maybe the one they shared often, or even resting against the counter with a cup of hot, mint tea in hand, he was greeted with silence, except for another empty room, and a small frame of a body hunched over Levi's bed. The rest of his side had already been stripped from its dust, sheets, and everything else that Levi had kept in there.

Instead of him turning around to tell Eren off about earlier, there was a women with striking blue eyes, and when her head flicked to the side to greet Eren, her almost white hair fell over her face. A small face, a short cut of hair that had been wrapped up in a neat ponytail, and maybe a sharp tongue.

Who knew? Maybe she was a serial killer.

"Welcome back, Eren. I'm you're new roommate."

"W-what about Levi?"

"Em," She hummed, turning back to whatever was more important in front of her before replying, "Said he wanted to swap, or whatever."


Mikasa then decided to leave, silently slipping out without either the new girl or Eren noticing her.

The room felt desolate. Dead, maybe. All there was now on Eren's new roommate's side was a plain white cloth lining the mattress, and a couple bags on the floor. Nothing else, really. Even the old paintings Levi had up near his side were already stripped down.

"I'm Ere-"

"Don't really give a shit, Jaeger. I already know who you are."

"Do you have a name, then?" He prompted.

"Doofus, my name is Annie."

"Hello then, Annie."

"I was suddenly told to move out, and come here. Now, I want answers. Were you a loud roommate? Nosey? Too picky, or even dirty?"

"N-no, no. I wasn't- I don't think, at least. All I remember is us fighting as then he's gone when I came back from my classes."

"Well, fuck. Do you fight with everyone?"

Eren frowned, while attempting to push himself closer to Annie. "No, I don't. It's none of your business right now, and I hope you keep it that way."

"Jesus, all I wanted to know was if I needed to ignore you or not. But I'm assuming I'm also taking the place of him for moving you around?"

"Only if you want to."

She stopped, setting aside whatever was busying her, to talk to Eren facing him. Her eyes shone through his soul like the dead. It was quite scary, in fact. Bring isolated for over a year without talking to Levi, and then she appears, and now his replacement roommate is scary? How much worse could this get? Of course, it could rain. It could downpour, but Eren wouldn't mind. Rain was nice, it set aside his worries for a while so he could imagine himself running around in the middle of it and pretending to be an airplane, zooming through the skies. "Well, as my job as your roommate, I make sure you stay safe, and you make sure not to bother me unless it's urgent."

"What about... When I have to take a shower or go to the bathroom?" Eren questioned, his voice squeaking with piqued curiosity.

"What do you think? I'm not helping with that; your sister will."

"Fine. I'm not interested in you, believe me."

"Whatever." Annie stood up, and began to unfasten Eren from the chair and helped him onto his own bed.

「ERERI」It's Too Late NowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon