Complete Collection 19-20

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Don't leave. Please don't fucking leave. He lurched forward, although there was nowhere to go. Somebody cursed. Levi had been here. He'd seen the blood on the floor. He had seen the way Levi smiled at him, and the way Levi had told him things he still couldn't remember, although he should've been able to. Those words must've been important. They couldn't have just been words. Levi wasn't one to waste time away, talking. But maybe he had just been talking. And even to Eren. He wasted all that time talking to a pathetic boy he hated and despised, although he touched him so intimately.

Levi had been his, so, so, so fucking long ago, it must've been more than a year.

There was a bobbing and clicking and tapping. There was no possible way that anyone was prying his eyes open at this point. No, it felt much better closed and relaxed- where nobody could hurt him.

And then he felt sick. A nauseous, vomiting sick. Maybe the string of curses followed by the somebody holding him meant he had thrown up. Not surprising. Not even in the least, according to the last few days and events.

Sirens and lights. Screaming and then a man's low voice, slowly fading off. Where was he? When was the last time he ate something? Anything? Maybe it was a week ago, or a few days. Where was he? There was still somebody carrying him, and soon a thud as his back hit something cold and hard and firm. Buckles were being strapped onto him, and Eren let whomever was doing it continue. There really wasn't any other option, either way. But the man might be a serial killer, for all he knew.

With his odds, he wouldn't be surprised.

And then his body lurched, without stopping. A few bumps along the trip, wherever that was, and then a couple nudges. Was he asleep, or dreaming, or maybe unconscious? If he was unconscious, wouldn't he feel something less? Less than the constant stabbing pain in his side that wouldn't seem to go away? Where was Levi?

And then somebody unstrapped him, and he was weightless. He was flying, almost. Almost, but not quite. Then back down to the ground. The sopping, ugly, hard ground. Lurching forward again, tickling and prickles ran over his head and somewhat still working vision. Then a million tons of weights were suddenly being pressed up to his face. The sides, the top, and the middle. This was what it felt like to die, wasn't it?  But how could this be death? He was so close to finding Levi, and he'll let it all go at this very moment? Just give in and let this pounding at his head go away?

Somebody was touching him, tracing their fingers over his chin and moving to the back of his ears. Then the warmth was gone, replaced by stinging and a painful jab into his arm. Another, and another. Somebody was screaming.

Where was Levi? He promised him he wouldn't die- not just yet, at least. And Eren intended on him keeping his promise, even if he had to drag the raven out of hell and back to keep it solid. Anything, something to assure him Levi was going to be alright, and he wouldn't leave Eren yet. He did promise, after all. Each and every time he promised or made a solid agreement with Eren beforehand, he always came through, whether late or early. Why would this be any different?

Because of the way he had smiled. Because of the way he had told him it was all going to be okay. And then the way he felt the warm, rusty blood on his lips, the thin line between hell and his lover's precious life, the way his eyes twinkled each and every time he'd smile just for Eren. Just for him. Only for him. The way Levi told him that he'd stay for a bit longer. It was a pathetic lie. He didn't see that then, but it was all too fucking obvious to him now. Straight up in his face, all the obvious signs. Levi was dying in front of him for God knows how long, and all he'd been able to do was nothing. He wasn't able to tell him how much he goddamn missed him, waking up to his voice in the morning, and seeing him casually drinking something along the lines of mint tea. He'd never gotten the chance to see his smile before he managed to pass out- or what seemed like it, or to say that he was sorry. The opportunity was right in his face, yet all he did was ignore it.

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