Blissful Happiness {Sora x Reader}

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(Y/n) - your name
(N/n)- nick name
(E/c)- eye color

PS credit to my friend for the pic.

Enjoy the story!!! ~~~

You were walking along the edge of the sidewalk thinking about the past few years. The one thing that wouldn't leave your mind was How did I get here? And where are my friends?
See, before you were in Hallow Bastion, you were on an adventure. A blissful adventure for that matter. You were traveling to different worlds that had the most beautiful scenery you had ever seen, and you were with your best friend saving the worlds from darkness. Ah, how you missed those days. You missed your best friend, Sora. It's been a year since you saw him at that creepy mansion. You guys somehow got separated and you ended up at Hallow Bastion. Lucky for you, the Hallow Bastion Restoration Committee asked if you could protect Hallow Bastion and in return, you get to stay with them. Of course, you, being the kind hearted, selfless person you are, note sarcasm, you accepted. Mainly because you didn't want to be a hobo living under a bridge like crazy Tim. Of course you had nothing against his life style, but sadly that's off topic.

You were walking down the streets of Hallow Bastion, reminiscing, until a familiar voice brought you back to reality.
"Yo (y/n)!!! The great ninja Yuffie needs you to come back to Merlins house! Some important news is awaiting the forgotten princess!" Yea the hyperactive ninja, Yuffie, you're closet friend on this world. She gave you the ridiculous nick name 'forgotten princess' because she would say and you quote "You're waiting for your prince in shining armor, but alas the princess has been forgotten!" This all started when they remembered Sora and the others. Yes remembered. How can you forget the other hyperactive teen. But alas they did and no one remembered the prince except the princess.
(Y/n)- Author-chan you're sounding like Yuffie!!!!!
Angel- Sorry couldn't help myself it fit the mood!!! *sweat drop
Yuffie- Yes I agree, it does fit the mood!! And what's so bad about sounding like me! If anything-
(Y/n)- Let's get back to the story. *face palms Sorry for breaking the fourth wall.

Anyways back to the story.

"Hmm. Hey Yuf, what's up?" You ask the Ninja while you tilt your head to the side. "Leon wants to have another one of his stupid committee meetings." "They're not stupid they're to protect the town. You know that." You sigh while the teen pouts. "I know but it's not MY fault they're boring!" You sigh once again at the child trapped in a teens body. You start to head back to Merlin's while the 'great ninja herself' follows behind complaining about Leon and his meetings.

Once you arrive, the teen runs inside the house only to sprint out towards town. 'That girl and her hyperactive personality' you thought. "Yea, right, she runs from one place to another in a flash." "Hmm? Oh hey Squall~" You smirk while over pronouncing his oh so beloved nick name. ~Note sarcasm~ "Please for the last time don't call me that." The man sighs while looking down. "Okay bud." You giggle. "Oh by the way follow her and make sure she stays out of trouble." And with that, the man waves at you while heading inside the house.

With a sigh you reluctantly follow the girls path. In the distance you can hear the girl yelling at someone. 'That poor soul.' You think. Once you reach the girl, you were frozen with shock. You couldn't believe your eyes. There in front of you, stood a familiar boy your age, with his beautiful blue eyes and amazing smile that warms you're heart. Luckily for you that boy has yet to notice you. You walk into the clearing, somewhere the boy can see you.
"Still have that gravity defying hair I see." You smirk. The boy turns around and his gorgeous cerulean eyes meet your dazzling (e/c) ones.
"The one and only, brownie." You giggle with your hands on your hips. With that being, said the boy sprints, and I mean sprints, to his forgotten princess. He picks her up and spins her around and embraces her like he never wants to let go.
"It's nice to see you too, Sora. " You giggle. He only embraces you harder and of course you hug back. You aren't heartless ( yea... ok i guess not sorry)
"S- Sora. " He hums in reply.
"I can't breath." With that he lets you go and cups your face with his hand.
"Sorry! Didn't mean to. Just got excited." He gives you a sheepish smile while rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's fine." You lean into his hand and stare into his incredible eyes while he does the same. It felt like an eternity, looking into his eyes. You just melt into them and get lost to a point of no return. That is until that ninja spoke up.

"The forgotten princess has been remembered." With that you and Sora brake your gaze and he removes his hand. Leaving the two of you as blushing messes.
"Umm forgotten princess?"
"Its just some silly nickname Yuffie gave me awhile back." You look up towards Sora and give him a loving smile, which of course, he returns with his oh so heart melting grin. At that moment you were able to observe your companion. He certainly grew into his body and may you say pretty damn well too. His black attire only added to his huge amount of sex appeal and sexiness. Not to mention that this kid is extremely fit. Then theres his goofy grin and his stunning cerulean eyes. But of course, the world and its history of being cruel to you, takes you out of your fantasies and into reality.
"(N/n) you good you've been staring for a bit." Sora says with his eyes full of concern.
"Hmm yea I'm good." 'Damn him and his oblivious personality' You thought.
"Alright then lets head to Merlin's."
You nod your head while following close behind your ninja friend. Your mind wonders on the past couple of minutes. Thats when you realize how amazing it is to see your best friend again. How happy he makes you feel.

Oh that blissful happiness...

And there we are!! My first one shot!!
Hope you enjoyed!! And for those who were wondering it was like over a thousand words!!
Heh got carried away. Sorry if it was to long!

While I was writing it I thought about actually making an actual story out if it. If you want it, just comment if you do!!

Well with that Cerulean Angel signs off!! Until next time!! Syanara Kittens!!

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