My Light in the Darkness {Roxas X Reader}

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Y/n- your name
N/n- nick name
(H/c)- hair color


I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep after my long day of being chased. See, I have a couple enemies who'd like me dead, but I don't think I'm ready to die just yet. I haven't slept for the past 18 hours and running around doesn't help. I was thinking over everything, instead of having my well deserved slumber, when I hear a crash come from downstairs.

"Y/n! I know you're in here!" The voice yells. I groan loudly into my pillow and get dressed as fast as possible. I hear the person come upstairs and I take that as my queue to jump out my window and land on a roof.

"I think it's time I take a stroll at five in the fucking morning." I start to jump roof to roof until I finally get tired and decide to go to the town's train station clock tower,that over looks the beautiful view of the sun rising.

I had just moved to Twilight Town to get away from my pursuers, but that plan failed miserably. Ever since I could remember I have been chased by these people. I don't know why, but I have been. My parents were killed by them when I was young so I knew not to mess with them. I always ran, knowing the consequences if I ever got caught by them. I sighed deeply, remembering everything that's happened in the past 15 years. I then heard footsteps behind me and jump up, ready to jump off the top of the tower. When I turned around I saw cute boy my age with blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

"Whoa! Don't jump! I'm sure your life isn't that bad!" The blonde became panicked over his recent discovery which made me laugh uncontrollably. It was nice to laugh again.

"You got it all wrong! I wasn't going to jump, you just startled me!" I waved my arms around frantically, trying to stop myself from laughing. The boy just looked at me with a relieved expression. He put his hand on his chest and let out a long relieved breath.

"You scared me there. I really thought you were going to jump. It would be a shame to let a girl as cute as you , jump." He then proceed to look me in my eyes. A light pink blush dusted my cheeks while a tiny smirk came onto my face. I step off the edge towards the blond.

"Well you aren't so bad looking yourself." I leaned towards him and winked. His face than became a shade of pink while he stood there in shock. I leaned away and giggled. He looked away from me and scratched his cheek, which just caused me to smile wider. Footsteps than became noticeable and they were coming towards us.

"Kid! I know you're up there!" I stood there frozen and pale. The blond came towards me and put a hand o my shoulder.

"Hey. Are you ok?" I grabbed his hand and led him to the edge.

"Do you trust me?" I looked into his blue eyes with clear seriousness written on my face.

"What do you mean? I've only know you for the past five minutes.' He seemed a bit confused but didn't try to resist.

"I'm trying to save your life. If you trust me, I'll do what I have to do and I'll explain later." He looks towards the exit where we heard the guy. He the proceeds to nod hesitantly and I take that as a chance to bring him closer to my body, wrapping an arm around his waist while he does the same.

"There you are. And it seems you brought some one else for us to play with." The guy smirks while he pulls out a gun. I bring the blond closer and pull him off the tower with me. The guy on top snarls and runs down the stair case. The boy looks at me with horror and screams for his life. I do the exact opposite. I wait for the right moment and use my magic to land us safely on the ground. I land on my feet while the boy lands face first with a thump. I go to him and help him up as he dusts himself off.

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