Nobody Love {Roxas x Reader}

200 6 4

(Y/n)- your name
(h/l)- hair length
(h/c)- hair color
(e/c)- eye color
(s/c)- skin color
(l/c)- lip color
(c)- color of choice

Enjoy this Roxas x Reader one shot that was requested by KalieKaykay!! Enjot Kittens!!


'I'm in love with my best freind.'

My best friend, Roxas, went away for some vacation for three months. I bet he had a lot of fun. We made sure that we texted eachother everyday, but it just wasn't the same. Thank god that he's coming back into town today. He said he had a very special surprise for everyone and I Wonder what it could be.

I still remember the first day I met Roxas. It was one of the most awfullest days in the world. First off, I went outside for once and spilled coffee on my brand new (c) dress. Then a bunch of kids came up to me and started making fun of me, and after that, it started to pour. It had been a long, tiring day and I just wanted to get home. So I decided that even though it was pouring, I would walk home.

On the way home, some blonde came up to me and held his umbrella up for me. I didn't even know him and he was doing this for me. 'I guess that today wasn't that bad. I mean a cute blonde boy came up to me and shared his umbrella with me.' I thought he was pretty cute at first. I mean you'd have to be blind to not see that.

"Here. It looks like you had a rough day." the blonde said to me with a caring and warm smile.

"Rough is an understatement, and thanks for the coverege."

"What's a cute girl doing out in the pouring rain with a coffee stained dress. By the way, its very attractive." The boy said with a smirk.

"First of all, did you just hit on me? Second, I try my best to impress cute boys." He just shrugged off the first question, but his smirk continued to grow.

"Roxas." He held out his hand.

"Pleasure. I'm (y/n)!" I took his hand and shook it.

After that, Roxas and I began to talk for a bit, and he walked me home. I invited him into my home, and we began to talk for hours. We instantly became friends and we have been ever since then. Ever since that day, I have always had a crush on him, but I guess he wasn't interested.

I started to get ready to head to the train station to meet up with Roxas. It would be great to see him again. Right as Roxas stepped off of the train, I saw a blonde girl follow close behind. I was about to run up to him, until I saw him hug the blonde girl and kiss her. They both had a giant smile on their faces. I could feel my eyes start to burn abit, and right as I was gonna make a snarky remark, I couldn't. I could feel myself start to choke up, and tears pour out of my eyes. 'Why?! Why am I crying?! No, better question, why did I fall for my  best freind?!'

Roxas turned his gaze to me and was about to call out my name, until he saw my face for a split second and I turned away running the opposite direction. I swear I could have felt my whole world stop. My heart hurt too much to see him cuddle and kiss another girl. It was too much pain. It had felt like a knife pierced my heart. My whole world turned dark and I couldn't bare the pain of seeing that.

I ran straight towards the park, not even thinking about it. I could hear Roxas calling out for me out in the distance but I ignored him. I went to the swings and sat down. I started to cry my heart out. It felt like this pain would never end. I hoped that I was just in a dream. 'Why am I feeling like this?! I shouldn't be feeling like this?!' I was crying and thinking of all my memories with Roxas. That only made me cry harder.

"There you are. I found you." A very familiar voice called out. His voice was laced with concern and worry. I immediately stopped crying and wiped my tears away.

"Why are you crying?" I froze. I didnt want to answer. What would I say anways? 'Oh, it's only because I like you and I saw you with another girl.' Yea that would work. ~note sarcasm~ He sat down in the swing beside me.

"You dont have to answer. I know your answer. You want to know the truth? I like you too, but I always thought that you didnt like me the way I liked you. So to save me the pain, when Namine asked me out, I said yes. Heh, why is the world so cruel." I couldn't belive he just said that. I can't believe he likes me too, but he has a girlfriend. I felt like crying again. I managed to let a few more tears to fall. Roxas immediately got up and hugged me.

"Please dont cry! Look I-I'm sorry I caused you pain! I-I d-didn't m-mean to do it. Really." I just cried into his shoulder letting him apologize.

'Oh, Why did I fall in love with my best freind?'

So here we are Kittens!! I am gonna continue being lazy and not update for like a week or two so yea!!! Fun!!!

Well with that Cerulean Angel signs off!! Until next time!! Syanara Kittens!!

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