Chapter 1

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Maya's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. It was the first day of high school. I didn't like the idea of going to high school. I didn't want to change. I didn't want my friends changing either. Going to high school can effect friendships but my friends and I have this close bond,and nothing can tear us apart from each other. We will always be friends. Right?

I got dressed and brushed my hair. When I was done getting ready I headed to my best friends, Riley's, house. I always pick her up in the mornings and we go to school together on the subway.

I finally got to Riley's house and I went to her room.
"Hey riles,it's time for our first day of high school."I said as I walked into her room.
"Hi peaches, I'm so exited for our first day of school." She said with the biggest smile spread across her face. She looked at me and she saw that I wasnt very exited. "Whats the matter peaches? Do you not wanna go to high school."
"Its not that I don't want to go, it's just that I don't want anything to change between us."I said with a frown. "Promise me that no matter what happens we won't change."
"Oh peaches I can't promise you that. Everyone always changes. "She told me.
"But I don't want nothing to change. I don't want Lucas to pick out of us two,because I don't want our friendship to change. And I don't want us joining any activities because than we won't ever have time for each other and that will also change our friendship. Don't you see Riley? High school will change our friendship."I tell her as we leave her apartment.
"Maybe it will change our friendship for the best. Its a good thing that Lucas chooses between one of us,so that way this whole triangle will finally be resolved. And we should be able to join activities because those activities make us happy. Don't you want that Maya?"Riley asks me.
"Not really. I want us all to be happy but what if we start drifting apart? "I say "I don't want to change."
"Well I wanna change and will see what the rest of the group wants to do."she tells me.
"OK we will ask them what they think after school today at topangas."I say as we are one the subway.

We get off our stop and walk the rest of the way to school. When we get to school we see the rest of the gang standing by the lockers,well except for zay because zay is in Texas visiting Vanessa.

We walk up to farkle,smackle and Lucas.
"Hey guys can we all meet up at topangas today?" Riley asks them.
"Umm...sure but what for?"smackle asks with a confused look on her face.
"Riley and I are deciding something, and we just want to hear what you guys think about it."I tell them.
"Yea sure we can meet later."Lucas says.
"Wait what time should we meet there?" Farkke asks.
"We can meet right after school."Riley says.
"That sounds good." Lucas,farkle, smackle and I all say in unison.
We all smile to each other and then the bell rings. We all head to first period (which is Mr.Matthews history class). We all have it together,and we were a little late because we we're so small compared to the seniors and it was hard walking through the hallways.

First period was the same as usual.Mr.Matthews compared history to our life and we all learned a lesson.

I have Riley for,history(1st period), P.E. (3rd period) and Spanish (6th period).
I have Lucas for,history(1st period),art (2nd period),P.E. (3rd period), Spanish (6th period), and then science for (8th period).
I have farkle for, history (1st period), P.E. (3rd period), Math (5th period ) and Spanish (6th period).
Then I have smackle for, history (1st period), math (5th period), and science (8th period).

In 8th period (science class) I got so bored and tired so I may have feel asleep in Lucas's hand. About 5 more minutes after I fell asleep I heard the bell ring. That was the last bell so I was finally free.

I was going to start walking home but then I remembered that I have to meet the gang at Topnagas. We all needed to talk about change. I was so scared about change and I didn't want it.

Topangas was like 5 mimutes away from our school. As I walked there I texted Riley.
Maya: I'm on my way to topangas.
Riley:Ok we all just got here

I didn't text back I just walked to topnagas with one thought running through my head. Will they want to change?

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