Chapter 2

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Maya's P.O.V

I finally arrived at topangas. When I walked inside Farkle, Smackle, Lucas, and Riley we're all sitting on the chairs that we usually sit at.

I walked up to them and said "Riley and I want to know what you guys think about change. I don't think it's a good idea because are friendship will begin to drift apart. However, Riley wants change because she thinks it's gonna gonna positively change us. So what do you guys think? "

"I actually believe change is a good thing as well" Farkle says "I think Riley is right "
"I agree with my honey" Smackle saas while looking at Farkle.
"What about you, Lucas?" Riley asks.

Lucas looks me straight in the eyes and says "I'm so sorry Maya, but I also agree with Riley. She is right. We're gonna have to change sooner or later. Change is a part of growing up."

I felt lonely. No one was on my side. Of course everyone agrees with Riley and not me.

"So everyone wants to change? Am I the only one who cares about our friendship? AM I THE ONLY WHO DOESN'T WANT US TO DRIFT APART? CHANGE FEELS ARE POCKETS WITH UNCERTAINTY. PEOPLE LEAVE WHEN THEY CHANGE. I DON'T WANT YOU GUYS TO LEAVE ME. Please don't change." I begged them.

"Peaches, im sorry but change is a part of growth, and we are growing" riles said.
"Yea Maya we need to change "Lucas says while walking closer towards me.

I grabed the collar of his shirt.
"Fine you can go ahead and change. All of you can change, but that don't mean I have to change. Just remember that I told you so. And remember that you chose to change. You chose Riley's side,like always."I said to him Lucas, but I am pretty sure that the rest of the group heard me too.

"No Maya it's not like that it just that-" Lucas said as he was cut off by me.
"You picked Riley's side over mine. Farkle and smackle did too. You all pick Riley over me. I guess I need to find friends who will pick me for once,and friends who dont want to change."I say.

"I think it's best if we all leave and let Maya think by herself for a while. "I heard farkle whisper to them.

The group left me at topangas. I was sitting on the chair alone thinking. Thinking about us. Thinking about how I liked Lucas and he choose Riley's side. Thinking about how all of them choose Riley's side. Thinking about how they were all willing to change.

As I was lost in my thought I didn't realize that someone came over and sat next to me. It was my one and only mom. I forgot that she worked here at topnagas.

"Hey sweetheart" my mom says "I saw ur guys's argument."
"Mom why do people have to change?"I asked.
"Because they grow. Their feelings grow.Their friendships from. Everything grows." She tells me.
"But what if when they are growing they start to drift apart from everyone else?" I ask her.
"Well of they are real friends you will eventually find your way back to each other." My moms says while pulling me into a hug.

"Mom why did they all choose Riley's side though?"I asked her another question. "Is it because they all love Riley more? "
"No sweetie,maybe she was right."she tells me.
"but they could have still stayed with me."I say "when right and wrong is more important than being friends then that's the end of being friends."a tear rolls down my cheek.
"I'm sorry sweetheart." Is all my mom says.
"Even if I was wrong they could have still choose to stay with me,but they didn't they choose Riley. " I tell my mom.
"Well they choose to change so let them change." My mom says "just because they change doesn't mean you have too. And remember if you guys do drift apart remember that they we're the ones who changed. You weren't. They were they ones who drifted apart from you."my mom says while pointing her finger to my chest.
"Thanks mom. I love you so much."I tell her while giving her a huge hug.
"No problem baby girl. Now I have to get back to work" she gives me a kiss on the cheek and she goes back to working.

"Oh we will never drift apart". "We will never leave you Maya". Those words ran through my head. They said that they would never leave me, but they already did.

My mom was right. They left me I did not leave them. I warned them that change fills are pockets with uncertainty but they wouldn't believe me. They never do.

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