Chapter 5

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Mayas P.O.V

I woke up and got ready for school. Today was Friday which means its the last day of the week so no more school till monday. I finished getting ready and then Zay came to pick me up from my house.

I got in Zays car and he drove us to school. It looked like it was gonna rain because all the clouds were dark grey.

We finally got to school. When we got there we walked to sarah and the gang.We were talking for a while until the bell rang. We went into Mr.Matthews class and say in our seats.

"Ok class have a seat and today we will be learnong about-" I didnt pay attention to anything after that. If you havent noticed I dont pay attention in class.

The class was finally over and it waa finally lunch time (my favorite subject in school besides art.) Zay,Sarah and I were talking while yogi and darby were kissing.

"So what are you guys gonna do this weekend?" Sarah asked. I was about to answer that question until I saw lucas and riley walk into the cafeteria.

I started to stare at them. Until zay snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Maya can I speak with you for a second?" He asked as he pulled me into the hallway.

"What do you want zay?" I asked him.

"You still like Lucas dont you?" He asked me.

" I used to but not anymore." I told him, "now I realized that I dont. Lucas doesnt desrve me. I need someone in my life who loves me and will choose me and not my bestfriend. If lucas really liked me he would have chosen me in the first place but he didnt, so he dont deserve me."

It felt good to get that off my chest.

Before I knew it the school day was over.

When school ended I had to walk home because I didnt bring my car because Zay droped me off of school. And now zay had to go somewhere important. My other friends couldn't because they were also busy. So I walked home. By myself.

Lucas's P.O.V

I just got home from school. I sat down on my couch when I heard someone knock at my door. I checked to see who it was and it was Zay. He barged right in.

"Hey man, I need to talk to you," he said "its about maya"

Once I heard Mayas name I got kind of worried.

"Is she ok?" I asked in a worried tone.

"Yea, of course. I just wanted to ask you something" he says.

When he said everything was ok i felt relieved. I was glad that she was ok.

"Do you like her?" He asked.

I froze when he asked me that. I care about her more than alot of people in my life, eventough we dont talk anymore. I want her to be happy.

"I liked her." I said, "but then i relaized that she deserves better than me. I left her. I abandoned her. She trusted me and I just left her. She really liked me but I left. I left like her father. She didnt forgive he fatger for leaving her so she wont forgive me either. She deserves better than me. I shouldnt have left her on the first place."

"You know what? Why did you leave her in the first place?" He asked me.

"Well in 9th grade I cared about both Riley and Maya" I said, "but then I had to decide on wether I would change with Riley or stick with maya. I chose to change with riley. But the only reason I did that was bacause if I stayed with maya I would probably date her. I didnt want to date maya. As much as I did I just couldnt because I did not want to hurt her. What if one day I hurt her. I would break her, and I cant break her, I care about her to much.I would have chosen maya but I couldnt hurt her. So picked riley, but I still hurt maya. So either choice I would have hurt her. I regret chosing riley.I would go back and change that if I could. I really like maya but she deserves someone better than me. "

"So what im hearing is that you would have chosen maya but you cared about her to much to hurt her" zay says with a smile.

"Yes," I tell him "but please dont tell anyone."

"I promise" he said while jumping up and down screaming " I knew you always liked maya more"

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