Twice invited me!

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Just try to Imagine....

Twice are at there dorm's living room. They feel realy bored coz' they don't have any schedule.

Sana and Tzuyu are sleepy lying in the sofa,Dahyun and Momo are sitting in the floor while watching TV , Nayeon is in her earphone and watching K-dramas beside Sana, Jeongyeon is in the left side of Momo busy puzziling her lego, And the other members are sleeping.. It is a really boring day for them.

Suddenly "Guys! " Jihyo shouted

"I know what were gonna do today! "

then all the members in the living room shockingly looked at the leader.

"what is it jisoo" Nayeon asked.

"Are we going to eat?" Momo happily asked.

"No momo, I'm planning to go to our friend Y/N !!
I really wan't to see him/her!"
Jihyo gladly said to them.

"But unnie, I'm lazy to go there,its so far from here.." Tzuyu tiredly said.

"Yes and my Lego's are half finished,I can't leave it like this." Jeongyeon also protested.

Jihyo thinks of another way to see you so...

"Lets just invite him/her here and have a slumber party!"

Jihyo excitedly shouted reason for the other members to wake up.

Jihyo asked Dahyun to text you..

Dahyun: Hey! Jihyo wants to invite you here in the house tonight :) were gonna have a slumber party!

You:Okay ! be there at 8pm ;) see guys later.

Everyone is busy preparing for there Party. Chaeyoung,Mina and Jeongyeon prepared the snacks, While Momo is eating up all small pieces of chocolate in the table. Nayeon, Sana and Tzuyu are choosing a good music for there party. While Jihyo is checking all members up.

Ding-Dong!!** The door bell rings and everyone is excited to see who's at the door.

"Open it Moguri.." Jihyo commanded.

When Momo opened the Door, they all saw you entering and run towards you! They all huged you and since Momo was the first to see you, She immediately kissed your cheeks and huged you. The hugs last for about 1-2 minutes.

"Ahhw thanks guys! that is really what you call warm welcome!"

You said while each one of them releases there hugs one by one and guided you to the couch.

"I'm really glad your here Y/N"
Mina said while showing her gummy smile. Then all of them immediately agreed to Minari.

Nayeon plays the music

"Lets parttyyy!!!"

an upbeat song plays.

You and the Twice Members are very energetic while dancing. As usual Momo and Jeongyeon went near the foods and slowly pintching them.
Dahyun showed her Eagle dance until all of You are copying her. Then Sana and Tzuyu have there own world,tickleling each other in the corner part of the living room. You were very Happy at that moment.

Then the night is getting deeper.

"Can we all sleep now? Im very tired of dancing"

Chaengyoung tiredly suggested while lying and very exhausted..

"But chaeng its a slumber party! were suppose to sleep at morning!"

You answered Chaeyoung.

"And this is the only night we have for Y/N"

Nayeon added. Then Jihyo comes from the kitchen entering to the living room, sadly looking at them, Mianhe yeorobun, I think we all need to sleep now we have 2 fansign events tommorow starts at 10am. Jihyo sadly informed them.

The Members are a bit sad but accepted it possitively.

"I guess... I.. need to.. go home now?" You slowly said while looking at them confusingly.

"Noo Y/N!!" They all said together.

"You can still sleep w/ us, our schedule is not early in the morning :)" Jihyo and Jeongyeon said while smiling.

All of you went inside the biggest room and connected all the beds that is in there. Then all of them wants to be beside You.

So They all played "가위바위보"GawiBawiBo"Rock,Paper,Scissor" and the 2 winners sleeps beside you! Then [your first bias] won! and [your bias wrecker] won also! ..

All of you went to sleep safe and sound and BURRPP!!!*

"Oopps! Sorry guys" Momo said while acting as cute as she could. Then all of you laughed until  laughter slowly faded. Everyone fell asleep while hugging you. your still awake and looking at them,You still cant believe that this was happening....


Whhhooooaaa!!! Hi guys! this is your Author-nim! I hope you like the first part! I hope you really like it.. If theres any correction or something you don't like please let me know! I know this is so boring to read but I really hope you like it. Hahaha.

Thanks For Reading! :*

*I corrected everything in this chapter btw :>


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