This Probably Isn't Normal

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Notice: If something is signed "Future-chan", it means it's author-chan coming back six months later to edit a little bit

Isa was having a regular weekend- stay up late (in secret), sleep in a little bit, do whatever, the usual stuff. But then that weekend turned not-so-regular. One night, at 11:58pm, Isa was laying in bed, light out, headphones on. Her anime playlist was going (she's an otaku, okay?), and she was happy just to be alone. While the theme song from Attack On Titan was playing, she stared at the clock.
Oh, it's mid- Isa started thinking, but then a moment later she opened her eyes. Or at least she tried. But failed. Isa freaked out a little bit inside her head.

She was trapped somewhere cold, and she couldn't move. But Isa could hear some voices that sounded strangely familiar.
Man, this job seems really easy compared to the reward.
With that 10 million jewel, I'll be able to pay my rent for a really long time!
Lucy, don't forget that we're splitting the reward equally, so each of us gets 2.5 million.
Yeah... But that's still a lot!
Aye! We can buy lots of yummy fish!
Or just lots of food!
I can't believe Fairy Tail's strongest team includes these idiots...

Wait a sec, Isa thought. Lucy? Rent? Jewel? Fish? Is this my imagination because this sounds like- She didn't get to finish her thoughts because they were interrupted by another voice that caught her attention.

But doesn't this job seem a little too easy? I mean, all were supposed to do is free some warrior that's supposedly super strong and was trapped here long ago because an ancient king thought that they might turn against him. Given the reward, I would think that it would be some nearly-impossible task. All we've done so far is just walk through this temple thing. Sure, there were a couple of traps, but none of them were anything fancy.

You're overthinking it, Ice Princess. If it's easy, it's easy.

Aye, sir!


Then Isa heard the sounds of a fight followed by a voice telling them both to stop, but she was pretty sure of what was going on, even if it didn't make sense.

A/N If there are any readers, do you get what's going on? In case you don't, I'll explain ( though I may confuse anybody even more) So, Isa teleported to a different universe, and she's in the world where the anime Fairy Tail takes place. Isa is trapped in something, and she can't move, but she can hear voices of people (Erza, Gray, Natsu, and Lucy) who are on a job. Look, I know this probably sucks, but I have a plan for where this is going, it's just that the details haven't quite worked themselves out yet. Also it like 1:30 in the morning and I have no internet access cause I'm in the middle of the woods. But I had an idea so I started writing. BACK TO THE STORY

Isa wondered if in finding that warrior person they could help her too, but then she decided to just listen and figure out more of what's going on.

Hey guys, there's some writing on the wall over here. It says: Should any adventurer try to free the warrior mage, you cannot do it alone. There are three switches, one to the south, one to the east, and one to the west. The warrior is sealed in the northern room. Before each switch and the northern chamber, there lies a trial. From the moment the first switch is pressed, there are 3 minutes until a deadly gas will be released, killing everyone inside. When the next switch is pressed, the previous time remaining will be replaced by a new 3 minute timer. After the third switch is pressed, there will be one minute where the northern room is open. If nobody enters the room within that minute, all the doors will seal, trapping the adventurers until they die.

That's kinda dark...


That's pretty serious. I'll go to the west, Lucy should go east, and Gray can go south. Natsu and Happy, you guys take the northern room.

Got it.

Sorry, I don't want to put a whole lot of author's notes, but I just wanted to tell people that this was originally going to be an x reader, even if there wasn't any actual romance, but then I realized that I wouldn't be able to put f/n or y/n because my brain automatically makes that say Isa. So instead you just get Isa. Also, sorry if I'm a slow updater. I'm pretty forgetful, so if I don't update in like, a month, feel free to send me a message or something to ask if I'm working or if I just forgot.

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