An Actual Chapter (for once)

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Quick Question for Everybody
So, This thing is going to have six different animes
We currently have Hetalia and Fairy Tail
Blue Exorcist
Black Butler
Ouran High School Host Club
(If I finish watching it MAYBE) Tokyo Ghoul

BTW- if you know a pretty mainstream anime that you think could work here, please put the name in the comments and I'll look into it.

You guys just want the story, don't you? Well, here you go

~~~~~~~Time skip from the end of the last actual chapter to after she clarifies that she isn't suspicious and the countries decide that she's probably the little version of Germany~~~~~~

"Okay everyone, listen up!", America yelled out to everyone to get their attention
"So, because I'm the hero, I decided what we're going to do today. We're going to go to the beach! Oh, and by the way, I won't take any objections! I already got swimsuits and a change of clothes for all the kids, so as soon as we get some beach stuff, we can go!"

"You know, I was actually the one who bought the clothes..." Canada tried to tell everybody, but naturally, nobody noticed. Other than Isa, who decided not to say anything because she figured that if she mentioned that Canada was there people would either ask who that was or freak out.

~~Another Time Skip!?!?~~

"Hahaha Finally out of the car!" America was being ridiculously loud again, but it was a private beach so there was nobody else there.

Everybody else got out of the car (let's pretend it was a really big car. But I guess that would be a van or a bus.. WHATEVER) and started setting up stuff on the beach. Isa went into the changing room and looked at the swimsuit she'd gotten. It was a regular two piece (not a bikini) with a rainbow striped top and aqua colored bottom.

a/n I couldn't think of anything that looked cute so I described one of mine soooooo creative as always, author-chan

She put it on and walked back onto the beach to find that France was preparing to dump a bucket of sand on England's head. But before he could dump it, England stood up causing his head to rise into the sand bucket. Naturally, France started running before England realized who it was. Both Italys (Italys? Italii?) had run into the ocean and were splashing each other, while Romano appeared to be in quite the bad mood under an umbrella.Everybody else was still changing, so Isa found an inflatable tube and began blowing it up. It took a little while because she forgot that she was pretty much a 6 year old so she had tiny lungs. By the time she finished, everybody else had finished changing.

Just then, the smaller Italian ran up to Isa and asked her to help him build a sandcastle. She agreed, and they started looking for a good place to put it. They finally decided on a spot in the middle of the beach, a couple feet out of the reach of the waves.

~~Time Skip of Building a sandcastle with Italy~~

"Ve~ It's done!"
"I think we did a pretty good job, don't you?"
When they finished the sandcastle, it was about two feel tall and pretty fancy. It looked good enough for royalty to live in. Well, tiny sand royalty. It even had a wall, a moat, and shells around the gates to look nice. Isa noticed France telling something to the smaller France and then handing him a bucket full of sand and water. 'Oh god', she thought, now the smaller England's going to get sandy bucket to the head. Sure enough T, he went up and dumped it on the small Englishman's head. And a typical fight began. Isa decided to ignore it and went back to talking with Italy. However, their conversation was interrupted when the fighting duo went rolling down the beach and completely destroyed their sandcastle. Well, Isa has kind of a short temper sometimes.

"HEY! WE SPENT TWO HOURS IN THAT YOU IDIOTS!" At this point, Isa got very angry, ripped the two off of each other, and started yelling at them. They got an earful for several minutes before Isa picked them up and threw them in the ocean. They were fine, but the small Frenchman kept complaining about how the saltwater was going to ruin his hair. The whole time, Japan was just sitting under an umbrella and reading. America was splashing around in the ocean with a beach ball, but the smaller American was nowhere to be found. Right around the time everybody noticed this, it started to rain a little bit. Isa looked out at the ocean and saw that the water had become pretty rough and dark clouds had gathered overhead. Just then, she head a cry

"Hey! Can somebody help me! I don't know how to sail this thing! HELP!"

It was the little America, and he he'd snuck off to a nearby dock and taken a small, two person sailboat.

(For anybody who knows about little sailboats it's a sunfish and I'll put a picture at the top
Another thing about it, the adults wouldn't fit onboard)

Isa decided that since she was small enough to also fit onboard and she knew how to sail it, she had to be the one to go help him. So she jumped into the ocean and started swimming toward the boat, even though it was kinda far out. Even when her arms and legs got tired, Isa kept swimming until she reached the boat and climbed onto it.

"You really didn't know what you were doing with this, did you?"
"Hahaha... Well, I knew how to set it up, but I just realized I didn't know what to do to actually make it sail."
*sigh* "Don't worry, I'll get us back to the dock."

The wind was getting rather strong, but Isa just let out or pulled in the sheet line to keep the tiny boat from tipping. The went along with the large waves so that they wouldn't sweep either of them off the boat or make it capsize. They were about 1/3 of the way back to the dock when Isa saw a flash out of the corner of her eye.


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