Wait, what?

34 2 13

A/n yes, this is chapter 3. It just has a weird title. Also, if any part of anything here seems really weird, it's because I like to imagine a lot of anime related things, and I lot of this has to do with that. Also, I may be a little evil. By the way, there will be swearing in the story, but not too much. STORY TIME!

When Isa woke up, she wondered if that had just been a dream. Then she opened her eyes and saw tree branches and a blue sky. "Oh my god it wasn't a dream!!!", she thought. "Okay, shit. If I'm in the world of Fairy Tail, that means I know who everybody is, so it would be creepy if I called everybody by their name. Ok Isa, no matter what, just play dumb."

Isa then began to check out her surroundings; she was laying on some grass, underneath a tree, and the sun was shining. Her arms and legs felt a little stiff, but she was glad that she could move again. She sat up and looked around, but didn't see anybody else. That's strange, she thought, how did I get here?. While Isa was distracted by her own thoughts, she didn't notice a certain blonde walk over to her. Isa was then startled by a voice, since she hadn't seen her walk over.
"Oh, you're awake. I'm Lucy, what's your name?"

Isa almost forgot that she was going to play dumb before she managed to stammer out
"That's a nice name. Are you feeling okay?"
"I think so?" (You know how when you're not really sure, things come out as a question?)
"That's good. The others will be back sooner or later; they went to go get some food. We would've taken you back to Magnolia with us, but there was an issue with the trains and all the inns were full, so we decided we could camp out here."

Isa was still kinda in shock from the sudden appearance of Lucy, but she later realized that given what had happened, her reactions were pretty normal.

~~Time Skip because I'm too stupid to think~~

"Natsu, they aren't deaf, and the only reason there actually is food is because we didn't let you carry it."
"That's not true!! I would've left some for you guys"
*sigh* "Just shut up."

Lucy turned to Isa and told her that it was time to eat, so they both walked over to the picnic table where the others stood and helped get out the plates and stuff.

*sigh* Another time skip until after dark

While everybody else was sleeping, Isa stared at the sky
(A/n for the rest of the chapter, all italics are her thoughts, ok?)

'Wow, there are so many stars. I didn't even see this many at camp. But I wonder, how did I end up here? What happened? Does my family know that I'm gone? Is this like a video game where I'm here to serve a purpose. That would be pretty unlikely. Well, as long as I'm here, maybe I can have some fun. I mean, I've always dreamed of being in one of the animes I watched. This is complicated. Will I be here forever? Well, I guess I can't really answer anything right now, might as well try and get some sleep.'

After staring at the stars for a while longer, Isa fell asleep.

Sorry the chapter was short! I have some ideas for the Fairy Tail parts, but only so much can happen in a single day. I also wanted to move along the the next anime. So yeah, sorry. But please tell me what you think of the story so far!!! Or don't. Also, Author-chan, I don't remember those ideas. I think you're an idiot. Love, Future-chan

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