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1 in the morning? Just got back from family vacation a few hours ago? Seems like the perfect time to update a fanfic (well actually now it's a few days later and I'm trying to write this with my friend)

Black butler is still down, so you get Assassination Classroom instead (sorry if my writing is bad, haven't really had to write anything since school got out)
Warning: may contain plot holes (or at least remembering things she shouldn't be able to remember because of story logic so far)

Isa woke up to yet another unfamiliar room. At this point, she was starting to get used to waking up in strange places, so she was surprised to find herself in a nice looking bedroom. It had sky blue wallpaper, a large window one one wall, a desk covered in random things, bookshelves, a bed with aqua colored sheets, and other pieces of furniture and whatnot. Wondering what anime she could possibly be in now, Isa began to look around the room for any clues. On the desk was a letter which read:
Dear Miss Isa,
      We regret to inform you that upon returning to school, you will be in class 3-E because of your recent destructive behavior. Please know that placing dangerous explosives in the backpacks of other students is strictly forbidden by both school rules and the law. Additionally...

"Hahaha... That was a glorious day for the Isa Empire"
Flashback time~~~ (this is the memory that defies story logic)
A Random Day: Science Class for 3-A

"If you wanna be all sympathetic towards the E class, then why don't you just go join those losers"
Once again, Isa was being picked on. She wasn't in the E class (yet) but ever since she had briefly stood up for 3-E when her classmates were talking bad about them, they were relentless in bothering her about it. But they had almost hit the edge. Isa wasn't going to deal with much more from them. Then, the boy escalated it by shoving her towards the door.
"Go on! Shoo! Go join your pathetic little buddies with no future!"
"Ugh. Where do you get off? I don't even know any of them. Now leave me alone, buttface"
"YOU REALLY HAVE NO RESPECT FOR YOU SUPERIORS, DO YOU? Well then... Don't even think about leaving school today without giving us a proper apology. We'll be waiting for it, so it had better be good"
And with that, Buttface (I don't have any name for this guy, so he'll just be buttface) went back over to his own table. Then a few minutes later, he and his buddies walked over to another table to talk to someone. Isa wasn't going to just sit there; she was taking her chance.

She took a glass orb the size of a golf ball from her bag and slipped it into his backpack with a smirk.
Flashback Timeskip to the end of class~~~

Isa was ready. There was a small remote hidden in her hand now with a big red button on it. Actually, that was the only button on it. She watched carefully as her harasser walked back to his table, picked up his bag, and began to walk out the classroom door with his buddies.
The explosive inside the glass ball may have been small, but it sure packed a punch. The sprinklers on the ceiling came on and the fire alarm started going off. All the others were panicking, but Isa just smirked as she walked down the hall to leave.

End Flashback That Shouldn't Exist~~~

Isa grabber her bag and a small sweater, which she normally wouldn't wear, but this was for "special" purposes.

Yet Another Timeskip Brought To You By Saeyoung and his Arabic doors

She's late. She knows she is. Oh well. It was only about 10 minutes anyways. Still, being late on your first day does tend to make things more awkward, so Isa spent about a minute just staring down the door, thinking about whether or not she really wanted to go in.
*door opens*
Oops. She stood there too long. Or at least had bad luck. Isa found herself suddenly in a stare down with a very familiar redhead
"Isa do something!", she mentally yelled at herself

"Oh, you must be the new student! You really should show up late on your first day you know" Koro-sensei finally broke the silence. Karma gave up on whatever it was he was leaving the classroom for and just went back to his seat. Koro-Sensei reached out his tentacle for a handshake (is it still a HANDshake then?) and Isa did her best not to smirk, as that would give away her little plan. She reached her hand out too, and then
There was now a piece of tentacle wriggling on the floor. Most of the class looked shocked, aside from Karma, who just looked amused by the scene.
"I won't be needing this anymore I guess" Isa said, pulling off the sweater and allowing the knife to fall all the way out of her sleeve. She turned towards the rest of the class
"I'm Isa, resident pyromaniac" she said, and just walked towards a random seat that she knew wouldn't be taken. It just happened to be right next to Karma. (Well, actually, Isa just knew where Ritsu and Itona would be in the future, and chose one of the two seats that would still be available then)
"Oh great, we got another crazy on our hands" Of course it was Terasaka saying that. Who else would it be?

(Next chapter will probably be the rest of the day, but I want to cut this part off here before I have to leave my friend)
End of chapter~~~

"Hmm... Am I going to need to kill you too?"
"And what are you gonna do about it?"
"Yeah, good luck with that, given you can't even stick to your word on how often you update"
Alright you fourth wall breaking little bugger, challenge accepted

 Am I going to need to kill you too?"KARMA YOU SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO BE IN AN AUTHOR'S NOTE"And what are you gonna do about it?"SHUT UPI AM THE AUTHOR, HOLY OVERLORD OF THIS FANFICI SHALL DO AS I PLEASE"Yeah, good luck with that, given you can't ev...

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I know the photo's sideways, but please look at those three in the pool. They're all shirtless, they all have anti-sensei knives, but for no apparent reason, Karma also has a real knife in his mouth. Seriously though, why?
"I'm still right here you know"
I have a wall to fix now
So go on back to harassing people
"Meh, this is more fun"
Gah! Fine then. I give up. Do what you want.

(Looking at this again: still confused by Karma having a real knife when he really doesn't need one lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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