Little Kids

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Hey guys, sorry if all these author's notes bother you. It's just that I always feel like I need to explain or I want to tell people something. So please read them, because I really feel like I need to explain some things. Now then- this chapter is going to be... HETALIA!! Just so people know, anything I write involving Hetalia is going to be really wierd, but the Hetalia chapters I'm really just writing because I've always wanted to write something for Hetalia because it saved my life. Not kidding there. But that's a story for another day. LET'S GET ON WITH THE STORY!!!

When Isa woke up, something seemed different. Then she noticed something. None of the people from Fairy Tail were with her, nor was there any trace of them. Instead, Isa was at the edge of some woods, and there were a bunch of kids who looked to be about 6 running around in the grass. They looked strangely familiar, but Isa was occupied with why she had moved places. When she started looking at the kids, it hit her. They looked like the characters from Hetalia, but as little kids. Not chibis, but what would happen if you took the regular characters, changed the clothes a tiny bit, when made then the size of 6 year olds. When Isa stood up, she felt weird. The a very strange thought occurred.
Am I wearing a bra?
Isa reached up her shirt, only to find that not only was she not wearing a bra, she didn't need to.
Oh my god! Where did my boobs go!? (I told you it would be weird)
And why do I feel so short? That tree seems much taller than a normal tree. It might just be this place though. That aside, let's try and figure out what country each kid is. Okay, I see Italy and Romano and the two blondes fighting are probably England and France. The kid acting like he's Superman is probably America, there's China with a panda, Japan appears to be hiding behind a bush, the one with the evil aura is obviously Russia, and that looks like the Baltic Trio trying to hide from Russia. That's weird, there's no Germany. Well, I guess that doesn't really matter right now. Oh hey, I think that's Canada over there; it doesn't seem like anybody else knows he's here. Might as well go talk to them.

Then England and France knocked America over while fighting, and he started yelling and trying to hit them.

On second thought, maybe I'll just watch them.

For the next hour or so, Isa watched the kids fight and play. And Italy made pasta. Even though he was like 6. Right when she was noticing that her legs were asleep from sitting in a tree for so long, things got more interesting. The regular versions of the countries showed up, along with Spain and Poland.

Just so people know, I'm not going to put people's accents in because I'll either screw it up or forget

Hey dudes, check it out! A bunch of kids that look like tiny versions of us!
Ve~ They look so cute
Oh great, just what I want to deal with, a bunch of tiny bastards
I've always wanted to teach a little kid how love works.
We should be figuring out who's who, da?

Isa decided that since nobody had noticed her, it would be best to just stay hidden and watch. She remained in the tree as she watched the countries try to figure out which kid was what country not based off of looks but personality. She thought this was pretty weird because they all pretty much looked like smaller versions of their country. Naturally, nobody other than Isa and Canada had noticed the smaller Canada. She had a feeling that none of the other countries even knew Canada was there. Eventually they decided to take the kids to America's house, so Isa followed them.
(A/N The place I imagined for this doesn't really have a name, so I'm just going to say America's house)

  Once they reached America's house, the older countries decided that rather than just take each little kid to their house, they should get to know them. Poland went back to his house because his pony apparently "needed his attention", and Spain was trying to play with the little Romano until both Romanos made him go home. For the rest of the day, everybody pretty much chilled and played with the little kids. Isa was tempted to go down and talk to them, but then she decided that would be awkward. That night, everybody went inside and slept in the guest rooms. There were many more rooms that any house should really have, but nobody said anything about it. Meanwhile, Isa slept in a tree. She may not look like it, but she's really good in trees.

~In the morning~ (I know this breaks my own rule where she's only there for a day, but I really need this second day to happen NOW. Sorry)

When Isa woke up, she realized something. She was really hungry because she hadn't eaten for more than a day. And Isa is the kind of person where if she skips breakfast, she'll die of hunger before lunch. The hunger got Isa thinking about food, and she didn't notice everybody come outside to eat breakfast. Once she noticed them, she decided to move to another branch to get a better view. As she was walking on the branch, one of the worst things possible happened. She rolled her ankle. And fell. Right out of the tree. In front of everybody. When Isa was about to hit the ground, she used her hands to push herself back into the air where she did a flip and landed on her feet. But her graceful landing was ruined by one thing. She rolled her ankle. Again. So she fell on the ground and tried not to yell any swears.

Was that okay? Sorry if it seemed to weird and random. Also sorry that I'm not updating much, I'm just busy all day because I'm on vacation and stuff... And I'm really easily distracted... But thanks for reading! Also, do you guys think that I should put in a little kid Finland? I know that all of the Nordics would be a lot, so maybe just Finland, maybe nobody. You guys please help me decide. THANKS FOR READING AND PUTTING UP WITH MY IDIOCY

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