Just A Little Longer

35 1 58

As part of my apology for not updating for forever, have a photo of Itona actually petting Karma ^-^
Also, I will be updating soon, just in case there actually are people that still remember this fanfic. I would've done something this weekend, but every time I tried to write anything I started thinking about exams (which are tomorrow) and just kinda lost the will to live.

But I should be able to update pretty soon!

I just gotta live through exams and graduation, find the page in my English notebook where I planned out the next chapter, and then when my friend comes over we'll write the chapter together. Normally I can write things just fine on my own, but since I haven't really written anything in so long, I need her there to make sure it's good and to help me think of what to say

But I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so incredibly sorry for being gone for so long.

One other note before I pass out from staying up waaaaaaaaay to late last night... Or this morning, I guess.

If anybody ever reads this, tell me what you think of this idea: I kinda want to not continue with the part of this book that's Hetalia. As much as I like writing that stuff, it did get a different fanfic all to itself, so I figured it wasn't really needed here anymore. Thoughts?

Also, other possible animes to go into this book (these are just thoughts, not set in stone or anything)
-Assassination Classroom
-Blue Exorcist
-Black Butler (well, this one IS the next chapter I have planned, but if there are several readers and they say they don't want it here, I can do something else)
-Ouran High School Host Club

So if anyone has one of those they totally want to see here, or one they don't want, or even any other suggestions of animes I might not have watched that could go in here, please comment and tell me about it. Especially if you have something you think could go in here, I'll do my best to watch it (unless it's a horror anime and I get really freaked out and have to quit halfway through the season)
That did happen twice
But those were really scary
And after one of them I kept checking all my food to make sure there were no needles inside
I get way too freaked out XD

Okay sorry, I just started rambling there
So comment any thoughts, sorry for being gone, and to quote 707, "I'm gonna peace out"

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