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As Erza went down the western hall, it got steadily darker. As she walked into the room at the end of the hall, everything was pitch black. A mysterious voice began to speak, echoing around the empty room

This is your trial. You must pass if you wish to live. Many can fight an enemy, but can you do it in the absence of light?

As soon as the voice finished talking, something hard hit Erza from behind. When she turned to face whatever it was, another blow struck her in the side. She swung her sword, but sliced only air. Her enemy struck blow after blow, but she could never hit it. She swung her sword again, this time striking the wall.

Erza told herself to focus, so she stopped trying to hit the enemy and instead tried to figure out their movements. Then she noticed that a moment before and after each strike, there was the slight sound of sliding stone. The she realized what was going on. A brick would slide into another part of the wall, allowing a mechanical arm to quickly spring out ant hit her, move back in so that the brick could move back into place. All Erza had to do was figure out where the control pad was and destroy it. She began to move around the room, dodging blows as best she could. Which wasn't very well since it was pitch black and she didn't know which direction they would come from. After a couple minutes of feeling around, she found a small rectangular object which seemed to be the control panel. Erza took her sword and plunged it into the machine. There was a moment where electricity leaped from the broken wires to other things, but then the mechanical arms stopped moving and the lights came on. Erza then advanced to the room with the switch.


Around the same time that Erza began her trial, Lucy arrived the the room containing her trial. The floor was grassy and had random things laying around. Even though there were no windows, it seemed like the su was shining inside. In the middle of the room there was a table with a note on it.

There are three doors at the end of this room, one after another. All of the doors are locked, but one item can open each door. If the correct item is used in such a way that it can unlock the door, you will move on to the next door. Only one item will work on each door. If the wrong item is used, all doors in the dungeon will seal and the air will be sucked away. There is a note on each door with a clue as to what item must be used. There are 15 items and 3 doors. This room is designed so that magic cannot be used.

"Oh boy, this is going to be tough", Lucy thought

She looked at what the items were; there was a sword, a rake, a garden hose, a video game controller, a bottle of glue, chopsticks, a book, a box of matches, a soccer ball, an arrow, a hoe (the gardening tool), a tomato, a box of crayons, a pinwheel, and a plate of pasta.

Lucy wondered how the heck any of those things would unlock anything, but she had a feeling that the locks would be a little weird too. She walked over and read the clue on the door.

Here's a really easy one. What is this?
*picture of a pinwheel*

"Seriously", Lucy asked herself. "Who designed this?"
She then picked up the pinwheel and pressed it against the metal slab in the door that she assumed was where the item went. The door made a funny sound and slid into the wall to reveal... Another door! (Hooray) There was a clue here too.

This one is a little harder. When in the hands of some people, it can put others in a real 'sticky' situation. Or it could just hurt.

"What the hell is wrong with these clues? Well, a sticky situation would probably be the glue, but I don't think glue hurts... Hmmmmm..."

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