Tiny Sailboat

33 2 17

Brief recap of the end of the last chapter-

The wind was getting rather strong, but Isa just let out or pulled in the sheet line to keep the tiny boat from tipping. The went along with the large waves so that they wouldn't sweep either of them off the boat or make it capsize. They were about 1/3 of the way back to the dock when Isa saw a flash out of the corner of her eye.


The moment Isa turned her head to look at the flash, she saw something absolutely terrifying given the current situation. A giant forked bolt of lightning touched the sea a little more than 30 feet away from Isa and America's tiny boat. Then came the loudest clap of thunder that Isa had ever heard. It was practically deafening, and it only added to the fear that the lightning had given them. In unison, both kids screamed at the top of their lungs. The others were at the dock, but there was nothing they could do to help because trying to get any other boat out to help them would be impossible. As a wave larger than the others came towards America and Isa, she did her best to get them out of the way, but the boat ended up in the wave anyway. Staying as calm as possible, Isa moved the boat in a way that it sort of surfed on the wave until the got out of it.

(I don't care if that's not possible, it's a fanfic)



The two had to yell to hear each other over the wind and waves, and it was a miracle that the boat hadn't capsized. As huge waves made the boat pitch left and right, Isa stayed focused on her destination and moving the sheet line so that they wouldn't tip. Meanwhile, America was curled up in the cockpit (put in the middle of the boat), which had somehow not gotten any water in it that wasn't from the rain. Neither of them had realized that their bodies were involuntarily shaking with the fear that their boat could easily be struck by lightning. Isa could see the flashes in the clouds from other bolts of lightning; she tried to ignore them, but the constant thunder made that impossible.

At this point, the other countries had noticed that they had changed course for the beach, so they had run down there to help the two when they got close enough. As Isa and America got closer to the beach, Isa realized that if they didn't want to get in trouble for losing the boat, once they got close enough, they would have to remove the daggerboard and pull the boat the rest of the way onto the beach with the rope on the front that was normally used to tie it to the dock. She told this to America, who looked really panicked, but understood what they had to do. After several more terrifying minutes of sailing, Isa felt the daggerboard hit the sand on the bottom. She yelled to America that it was time, and they pulled out the daggerboard, jumped out of the boat, and grabbed the rope. The other countries ran out into the water with them and helped them pull the boat to the beach and high enough up that it couldn't be pulled out to sea, even if the tide came in.

After they got the sail down, Isa's legs, which had been shaking like crazy, just gave out on her so she was sitting in the sand, still shaking with the fear of what had happened. She felt someone wrap a towel around her shoulders before Germany picked her up and began carrying her away from the beach. He told her that she did really well, but all Isa could do in response was nod, her voice didn't seem to be working, probably from being so panicked and having to yell so much. When the whole group got to the parking lot, the older countries agreed that it was a good time for everyone to go back to their own house with their kid.
(Haha that sounds weird but it's not)

Isa felt Germany set her down in his car and fasten the seat belt for her before they drove off. It was a long drive back to his house, but it wasn't until they were halfway there that Isa finally managed to get her body to calm down. When they reached his house, Isa unbuckled herself and got out of the car. Once they were inside the house, Germany showed her around before he told her that if she wanted to, she could take a shower before bed. Isa decided that this was a good idea, since she had been in the ocean. She took a warm shower before putting on the pajamas that Canada had bought. When she came out, she saw that Germany had a bed ready for her. As she climbed into it, Isa suddenly felt all the fatigue from the day. Before she fell asleep, she turned to Germany and said two words

Thank you


Sorry if anybody was out of character, but I really liked writing that. I didn't even have to think about what to put next, it just all started flowing. Also, I just realized that writing about that storm even made my heart start beating fast. THANKS FOR READING

Oh, and just so everybody knows, on that diagram at the top, the daggerboard is the thing sticking out of the bottom of the boat in the middle. It makes the boat go straight and helps keep it balanced. Also, if the boat tips over sideways, the heaviest person swims around and pushed down on it to upright the boat.

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