My Best Friends Boyfriend (characters)

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this is just a character page, because there is so many characters, things might start to get a bit confusing, so if you need to just refer back to this page and then everything ashould be cleared up :)

hope you like the story (L)


My best friends boyfriend - re do

Character page:

Fountain Valley High: school that the characters attend. Certain crowds, has populars (hotties), preps, nerds, geeks, jocks, cheerleaders, freaks, emos.

Thea Jacobs: main character, hangs out with the 'popular' group. Blond hair blue green eyes, very pretty, far from slutty, strange in her own way, heavy on sarcasm, doesn't let anyone push her around, but doesn't pick fights just to get her own way.

Family: Mom, Dad, Older brother Drake (17), younger sister Molly (11), younger brother Kyle (9).

Has a really bad relationship with most of her family. Mom and her always fight, Dad treats her like she is 5 and Thea hates it. Constantly fighting with Drake, never a nice conversation unless he wants something. Molly is probably the one Thea is closest too, although they do fight a lot too. Kyle, has issues, he see's a doctor, angered easily so Thea and drake and molly always provoke him.

Drake Jacobs (Thea's brother): basically the boy version of Thea, although he has light brown hair with blue eyes, rather than bluey green. Hates the fact that he is related to Thea, and everyone knows they are. It's not that he doesn't like her it's just that, that means he can't get with a lot of her friends and they are all really hot. Loves to pick on Thea and fight with her, but he will always be protective when it comes to boys.

Iliana Collins: long black hair, tan skin, very pretty, dark brown eyes. Peircings, belly, tongue, nose, ears. Best friends with Jordyn and Thea, but then Iliana and Jordyn began fighting all the time and now she is just close friends with Thea and normal friends with Jordyn. Very dominant, likes things to be her way, doesn't care what people think, does what she likes when she wants, is a smart ass. Been friends with Thea since the third grade. Status : taken, dating corey.

Jordyn Van Hale: light brown hair, pale but not white, tall, bright blue eyes. peircings, belly, ears. Is a massive flirt, loves the attention, been friends with Thea since seventh grade, same friendship story as Iliana, doesn't do boyfriends, just hook-ups. Status: single

Avery Burke: blonde hair, tall, pale, golden brown eyes. Piercings, belly. Push over, weird in her own way, is a very nice girl, thinks way to highly of her self though, been friends with Thea since the 7th grade. Status: single.

Bailey Brown: Very tanned, (¼ Indian) short, brown hair, green eyes. Piercings, Belly. Status: taken, dating brody. Very bitchy, gossipy, and loves scheming. Isn't a friend to a lot of people. Isn't big on the boys, but loves the attention from them. Known Thea since seventh grade, only been friends with her since freshman year, even though they were in the same group.

Alexia Davis: Pale, Brown hair, Blue eyes, Medium height. Piercings Belly. Recently joined the popular group, new student. Good friends with Thea ever since they met, very nice, and smart. At first wasn't accepted by the popular, but worked her way up there. Jehovah's Witness. Status: taken, dating Sam.

Popular group: Thea, Iliana, Jordyn, Avery, Bailey, Alexia, Shannan, Meredith, Adele, Emma, Amanda, Kristen, Callie, Lizzie, Mel, Tiffany. (all girls in this group have their bellies pierced, its like an initiation thing. All girls are 16)


Brody Forrest: slightly curly blond-brown hair, green eyes, tall, muscled, tanned. Best friends with Thea when he first moved to fountain valley. Slowly drifted apart as he began dating bailey. Trouble maker, very rebelling, does what he likes. A bit of a delinquent. Dating bailey

Aidan Miller: light brown hair, brown eyes, tall, muscled. Quiet type, but loud when in his comfort zone. Good friends with Thea. Dating Becky. A bit of a follower to Brody, but only because he is new.

Boys: Brody, Aidan, Matthew, Ash, Jake, Ben, Sam, josh. (16 years old)


I will start posting the story probably tomorrow or the next day, but my posts will be slow because I'm going away and i have NO internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Old stories, no point in readingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora