My Best Friends Boyfriend #6

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this was a good upload right? the NEXT day. i am so proud. and guess what? I just have a little more to do and then you can have the next part as well :)

soooooooo enjoooooooy. PS. sorry if there is mistakes. there shouldnt me too many.



"I got really angry, this one actually wasn't him, I punched the window, and it broke" he told me. I shook my head. What is wrong with this child?

"Brody, you've got to start doing something about it other than hitting him. He is your Dad and no

matter what, he always will be"

"He hit my sister" my eyes instinctively widened.

"Ella?" I asked, how could be, she was only 6.

"No. Taylah" oh, that bitch. But still, he freaking hit her and she was only 13, and a girl.

He burst into this big huge story about how Taylah snuck off to one of Brody's friend's houses to hook up with his friend. His name was Ricky or something. They spent the whole day looking for her, and when Brody rang Ricky's phone, Taylah answered. She is a little slut, ill admit. But that doesn't give him a reason to hit her.

After cleaning up his hand and arm, I made us something to eat and then told him I had a lot of homework to do and that he had to leave. He left, a little disappointed might I add, but I needed to push him away a little to show him what he was missing out on. I cleaned up the mess I had made, and then went upstairs to finally watch the movie I was supposed to be watching.

I walked into my room and put the DVD into my laptop. While it was starting up, I decided to go down stairs and grab something to drink. I got up off of my bed and practically jumped out of my skin when I saw Drake standing at the door with a death glare on his face. "Thea, stay away from my friends" he told me.

It was really starting to annoy me , the way he thinks he can boss me around all the time. "You hang out with my friends, I can do whatever I want with yours, you don't own them"

"Thea, I know what they're like, and I actually like these friends, so please stay away from them" aw, so he does have a heart after all.

"I'm going to get hurt Drake, chill" he scoffed.

"I'm not worried about you getting hurt, I don't want them getting hurt Thea"

"Why would I hurt them?"

"Don't make me say it"

"Say what?" I teased.

"FINE! Thea, a lot of boys like you okay? And I know its not just because you are decent looking. You have never had a boyfriend, yet all the boys manage to get heart broken from you, DONT MESS WITH MY FRIENDS"

"You could have just said that you douche" I laughed and he stormed off. I love the relationship we

have. I watched my movie and fell to sleep soon after. And for once, I had a deep, dreamless sleep.


I sat in my homeroom the next day. Things were a little awkward between me and Brody, I wasn't sure of the exact reason, but I figured he was probably still disappointed in me for the whole Dom thing. Not that it mattered, he had no right to care. I popped the gum I was chewing and Ms. Ryan shot me a look. Sorry that taking the role bores me, I thought.

The bell rang, signalling it was time for first period. I gathered my books and walked out of the class room. "Hey Adele, what's going on with you and that Taylor guy?" I asked. Yes I happened to have kept up with the latest gossip. Taylor was one of Drakes friends, obviously he was good looking, but he was also really nice. And that's why I was worried for the poor kid because Adele was a heart breaker. She didn't have boyfriends, just boy toys. "Well I don't really know" she said "he has been like inviting me over and we have done some heavy making out, but I don't know if he likes me or not" she had a saddened expression on her face. Maybe she does like him?

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