My Best Friends Boyfriend #4

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He was probably too stunned to do anything. When I got outside I burst into tears and ran to the girl's bathroom. I couldn't believe I was even crying over that asshole. All the things I told him, he probably told everyone. I forced my self to stop crying and stepped put of the cubicle I was in. I looked in the mirror, and for someone who was just crying I didn't look to bad. I got my make up kit out of my bag and fixed my face up a little. I done it well, I couldn't even tell I had been crying. I stepped out of the door and realised everyone else was in class. I quickly ran to homeroom, not bothering about going to my locker - sound familiar? - and when I reached the classroom I pushed the door open and flung inside.

"This is the first time you've been late in a long time, were not starting an old habit are we?"

"No Ms. Ryan." I assured. There were two empty seats in the class, one next to Alexia, but she was sitting with Adele, Jordyn, Brody, Ash and Ben. I really didn't want to sit with any of them so I decided to sit in the other seat, next to the freak Chris. He tries to touch anyone who gets close, and he always says and does the most inappropriate things. But at the moment, I would sit next to him if it meant staying away from Brody. He didn't try and speak to me in homeroom, either because he didn't want to make a scene or he didn't care, I would personally go with the latter. It was hard to try and keep composed while I knew Brody was staring a hole in my back.

When the first period bell rang, I practically jumped from seat and raced out the door. I went to my locker and got my books out that I needed and put my bag inside. I closed the door and saw Brody standing there. I gasped out of fright, and before I even thought about saying it the words were out of my mouth "Leave me alone"

"Thea, I'm sorry"

"Fuck off"

"Please just listen to me" I turned to face him.

"What Brody? Why did you do it? Why did you tell her after you promised me you wouldn't?"

"I - I- "

"Stop, you don't have a good enough reason, there will never be a good enough reason so don't even try to tell me your sorry, because your not. Sorry is a word you use when you hurt someone by accident, and this was no accident"

I left him stunned, I walked to my first period class which unfortunately I had with him. Just like all my other classes. I sat in my usual seat, the one where Brody sits next to me. I really hope he gets the picture and doesn't try and talk to me. I was not going to let him run me out of my own group. All that sadness has now become anger, and I'm taking it out on him. Brody walked in, hurt clear all over his face. I almost felt sorry for him and talked to him. But then I remembered my own hurt and the sorry I felt for him, turned to anger as well. He sat in his usual seat next to me, but didn't attempt to talk to me. Half way through the lesson I felt my cell vibrate. I pulled it out and hid it under the desk I had one guess who it would be from. I really didn't want to read it, but I just couldn't help my self.

/1 new message! Sender: Brody is sexy!/ I guess I would be changing that name, or deleting the number. Not that it would matter though, his number is memorised in my head anyways. The message read, /Thea I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I don't know why I did it, all I know is that I'm sorry I did. I love you and you mean so much to me. I will never do it again I promise. I don't give a shit about bailey. I just want you to forgive me. Please. I love you/ what the fuck was I supposed to say back to that? I can't even believe he said that, that just made me way angrier.

I replied /firstly, I don't care if you're sorry or not, I don't believe you. Secondly I obviously don't mean that much to you, your better off keeping bailey now, your going to need her when you and your dad fight, and thirdly don't even try to ever promise me anything you and your promises mean nothing to me/ well that was a long ass message. I didn't even plan to write that, it's just what my fingers typed.

This is so good, now I so cannot wait to go to see Lissa. I felt my phone vibrate, but didn't want to see what he wrote, no doubt it would make me want to reply and I am not wasting my time on him.

I got several other messages through the next four periods, but I didn't even look at them. I wanted to delete them, but I just couldn't bring my self to actually do it. He didn't try and talk to me in person and when lunch came, it was very awkward. Sitting at the large table, everyone chattering away like nothing had happened. Well I guess to them nothing had happened. I couldn't help but keep sneaking glances at Brody, who was constantly staring at me. And then I couldn't help but look over to Bailey, who was glaring at me, and also sneaking glances at Brody. Avery was sitting next to me, and she seemed to notice what was going on because she leaned into me and said "you like him don't you?" I widened my eyes in shock and turned to face her.

"No why would you think that?"

"It's so obvious, what did he do that made you so mad?"

"He told bailey something I said about her"

"But aren't you two like 'BFF' or whatever?"

"Apparently not"

"Wanna talk about it?" I nodded and Avery and I decided to skip the rest of the day and go to her house to talk. Her house was really nice, it was big and white and wooden, and looks just like all the houses in her street. It was pretty funny, I think she even got confused on what house was her own.

Her room was plain and simple, colourful bed spread, posters on her white walls, and carpeted floor. Your typical teenager room really. We talked for what seemed like hours, and one thing that she said to me really surprised me. "You should really give Bailey a chance. She seems bitchy on the outside, but she will always have your back and she is loads of fun to be around" I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. "You know T maybe you should just be forgive them both" I gave her a questioning look. "Well you should just forgive B, for being bitchy when we were young, I did. And then maybe just forgive Brody, because it seems to me like you want to"

"I do want to so badly, but I can't, because that's just me running back to him"

"It's not running back, its accepting some ones apology, read those text messages he sent you"

I read them all, and I couldn't help the tears that formed in my eyes. All of them saying stuff like 'I love you, I miss you, and I'm sorry, are you okay?' I did want to forgive him. Just as I shut my phone I received another text message from him saying. 'I will work my way up for the rest of my life just to make you reply to one of my messages' I hit the reply button and started typing. 'You have a lot of working up to do' I smiled at Avery and thanked her for talking to me about it.

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