My Best Friends Boyfriend #5

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOKAY, i just want to let you guys know some facts.

1. It is just before summer vacation, i cant remember ow long i said, but maybe 3 months or something?

2. Drake and his friends are only Juniors

3.Thea and her friends are freshman, and yes they are the most popular in the school because its just like that groups legacy.

aaaaaaaaaaand, yeap i think thats it. :)


"Hey" I said awkwardly

"Hello" she replied, almost robotically.

"Look bailey, I'm sorry okay? I was holding a grudge from the seventh grade; I just don't forget things easily. I don't hate you and if you are willing to forgive me, I'd really like to get know the new you" she smiled at my words. She has no idea how hard that was for me to say. I have trouble admitting when I'm wrong; it's like a pride thing or something.

"I'll forgive you, if you forgive Brody" she bargained. I smiled, "deal"

I chattered with Bailey for a while, we avoided the topic of Brody, but talked about the girls a little, like what girls we are closest with and stuff we also organised to do something on the weekend, like have a sleep over or something. We agreed she would come to my house and we could spend the next day with Brody and maybe some of the other boys.

I decided now was the time to go and talk to brody, because I didn't want everyone else there. I had no idea where to start, but figured since I was near the back of the school, I may as well start there. I quickly walked to the back of the dumpsters where the stoners hung out and saw Brody there. At least I didn't have to look around for him. But now, I have to get that joint off him.

"Theeeaa!" he yelled excitedly when he saw me. I smiled a gigantic smile and waved.

"You should really try some of this shit, its sooooo good" he told me.

"Really? Can I have some?" I asked. He nodded his head ferociously and handed me the joint. I went to

take a drag but instead dropped it on the floor and squished it with my foot. I have always wanted to do that. "What are you doing?" I questioned him.

"What am I doing? What are you doing? I wanted that!" he said angrily.

"Don't speak to me like that. Why are you hanging out with these losers?" I asked. "Oh no offence to you guys" I added, directing it towards the stoners. I don't even think they noticed what I had said. I turned my attention back to Brody.

"Weeeeelllll, I'm doing this to relax, because some silly little girl made me think I had lost my best friend forever" why did he have to be so damn cute? "Come one babe were going to be late for class" he said, turning around.

"Oh no honey, you aren't going to class, I'm taking you home" he started freaking out. "NO! No any where but home" he fretted. I thought for a minute. "What about the park near my house?" I asked.

He nodded his head enthusiastically.

Walking him to the park was so annoying. He kept running off, and then when I caught him he kept tripping over. It would have been entertaining if I was a spectator though. When we finally reached the park, he ran over to the swings and began swinging. I sat on the one next to him, and moved my feet around in the sand.

"What's wrong babe?" he asked me. I looked at him and couldn't help but burst out laughing. He had the most serious look on his face; it was just way too cute. He looked confused. And then I saw tears start to leak out of the corners of his eyes.

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