Chapter 1

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SM University
11:27 pm

Music blasted through the speakers, drunk bodies and liquor was spread out across the room. The first years of SM University were having the time of their lives at the party. They were celebrating the survival of their first year in one of the best universities in South Korea.
"Vanessa!" Lynlee spotted her best friend taking more shots than her petite body could handle.
"Oh hiiii, Lynlee. Why are there two of youuuu? You look funny!" Vanessa slurred and giggled. Lynlee let out an exhausted sigh. Her best fruend was so obviously drunk. She grabbed Vanesssa by the wrist and dragged her outside the building.
"Let's go home".
"Nooooo! I haven't seen Sehunie yet!"
Lynlee rolled her eyes. "So ?"
Vanessa pressed her full lips into a small pout. "I wanna see my Sehunie!"
"It getting late V..."
"But..." The wasted girl persisted.
Suddenly, Lynlee spotted a familiar dark-haired guy supporting another tall and lean male who looked a lot like...
"Yixing! What are you doing with my Sehunie? Put him down! Only I'm allowed to carry him !" Vanessa shouted at Him.
The dark-haired male turned to the two girls at the sudden outburst and looked at Vanessa, then asked the other "Same story?"
She nodded, knowing that both of their friends were total drunken messes right now. She remembered for sure she had a test monday in her fashion marketing class and didn't have time to deal with a hangover roommate tomorrow. She turned to her boyfriend who was still struggling to support the heavy weight of his knocked out friend.
"Where are the others?" mentioning the 10 other males who usually stuck with them.
"Probably still back in the building getting drunk, I couldn't find them so I left to bring Sehun back to the dorms." Yixing replied.
Lynlee nodded and threw Vanessa into the backseat of Yixing's car once they arrived at the vehicle, Yixing did the same to Sehun. The Chinese male drove back to the dorms and dropped the girls off near their dorm building first.
"Drive safe" Lynlee said and pressed  a quick peck on his cheek before dragging her barely concious friend up the stairs and into their shared room. She immediately dropped her onto the bed like a sack potatoes and managed to get the youngster to change into her pajamas and tuck her into bed like a mother taking care of her sick child. After making sure she was sound asleep, Lynlee went into the kitchen to grab a glass filled with water along with the medicine bottle of hangover pills, knowing she'll need it tomorrow morning. She set the glass and pills on the counter and retired to bed. Being exhausted after the long night, the black haired female wandered off to dreamland as son as her head hit the pillow.

Lynlee and Vanessa's dorm
9:02 am

Lynlee woke up to what she thought was an earthquake but instead it was someone violently shaking her.
"Lynnn! Wake up!"
She opened her eyes to find a very energetic Vanessa bouncing up and down on her bed.
"How are you not having a hangover?" The sleepy girl grunted while yawning.
"Oh I did" said Vanessa "I woke up at 4am, and thanks for the pills."
"You're welcome?" She said, making it sound more like a question than a reply.
"What time is it?" Lynlee asked, still tired and wanted nothing more but to go back to sleep
"Oh just nine something " said Vanessa, casually.
Lynlee widened my eyes, she was definitely wide awake now.
"Nine!?! We're supposed be at our first class by Seven!" She jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes, hurriedly brushed her teeth, applied some quick makeup, grabbed her School bag, and ran out the door, not even bothering with breakfast and leaving an amused Vanessa behind.

The younger watched as her best friend ran out the door in a hurry. She chuckled to herself at her friend's density, worring about her mental health. She waited until Lynlee was in front of the Design Arts building, then walked out onto the balcony of their dorm and took out her cellphone to give the running girl a call.
ring ring ring ring...
"Hey Lyn"
"What do you want, Vanessa, I'm going to be late for class"
" it's a Saturday "
"And we're on summer break"
The call ended. Dammit thought Vanessa.
Lynlee slowly processed what happened after the call...then suddenly a feeling of anger swept through her like someone had lit her on dare that little girl trick her like that?! She clenched her fists and was about to storm back to the dorms to give the prankster a piece of her mind when she saw Yixing, dressed hastily, hair uncombed, and toast in mouth running towards the Performing Arts building.
"Yixing!" Lynlee called out to him, He turned to her as she lightly jogged towards him.
"What are you doing here?" his girlfriend asked
"ghomin ty clauz" Yixing mumbled with the piece of bread still between his mouth
He took out the piece of bread, "Going to class"
"It's a Saturday, Yixing" Lynlee sighed.
Yixing stared at her in confusion, then with realization.
"I got tricked by Vanessa..." She glared towards their dorm window.
"Sehun" Yixing said with a similar look in his eyes.
She followed her lover's eyes to the balcony of Sehun's room and there he was, leaning on the rail with a big smile on his face waving to the couple like nothing happened.
"Only if I had a gun right now." the dancer scowled.
Lynlee wrapped her arm around him as an effort calm him down, and it worked.
"Let's just go back home" she said. She had a Vanessa to strangle.
"You wanna meet at the bubble tea shop later?" asked Yixing
"Sure" She agreed "I could use some to  fan out my anger"
"How does 11 sound?" Yixing suggested.
Lynlee nodded.
"Ok, see you then"
She gave him a goodbye hug and immediately stormed back to her dorm.
Vanessa was in so much trouble.

The brunette watch Lesley storm back into the dorm and thought uh oh.
Maybe their little prank went a little too far. The door flew open, revealing a very angry Lynkee. She stormed in and slammed the door shut behind her.
"Look Lynlee, I can explain" Vanessa chuckle nervously "It was all Sehun's idea! I swear!"
"Vanessa Gigi Fok!" the angry female scolded her. "You know how seriously I take my attendance and grades. So play a prank like that on me or Yixing again and I swear that you won't live to see the day you graduate!"
"Yes Ma'm" Vanessa said, doing a awkward soldier's salute. Lynlee seemed to calm down after her and started walking towards her closet to changed into her summer weekend outfit. Most girls' summer weekend outfit probably consisted of shorts and an oversized tee, but Lynlee was studying for a major in Fashion. So her Everyday was like something you would see off Paris Fashion Week.

"Where are you going?" Vanessa asked out of curiosity.
"On a date with Yixing" she answered calmly while she readjusted her hair.
"Ok, have fun!" the younger smiled.
Lynlee looked at her weirdly for a second before grabbing her phone plus earbuds and left.
Vanessa watched as she walked out the door and made sure she was gone before changing into her own clothes.
As if Just on cue, someone knocked on the door.
"Coming!" Vanessa opened the door to see Sehun with a grin on his face. "Ready to go?" he asked
"Yep" She returned the smile and walked out with Sehun.

Bubble Tea Shop
10:58 am

As Lynlee sat down at an empty table, she reflected on Vanessa's weird behavior. Usually when she goes out with Yixing, the other would whine and beg her to stay or go with her, but today she actually didn't complain... The fashionista cleared her head as she saw the familiar face of her boyfriend across the table from her. "Watcha thinking about?" He asked as he plopped down on the seat and slid her favorite brown sugar milk tea towards her and sipped on his taro flavored one.
"Oh it's nothing" Lynlee answered as she sipped on my favorite drink.
"So" she started with a smirk "payback?"
"Definitely." Yixing returned a mischievous grin.

Dorm hallways

Yixing and Lynlee slowly crept up the stairs to her dorm room and slowly turned the knob.
"It's locked" she said trying again a few times "did she go out?"
She took out her key and unlocked the door. She peeked her head into the room and Vanessa was no where to be found.
"Where did she go?" Lynlee decided to call her.
ring ring ring ring....
"Hey V? Where are you?"
"Out with a friend"
"Lyn? Is something wrong?"
"No, nothing's wrong"
"What's your friend's name?"
"Um...Se...ana "
"Yeah! Kim Seana"
"Ok...well be back soon"
"Saranghae! Bye"

Well that was awkward, Lynlee knew for a fact that Vanessa barely has any friends beside her and the boys, being her antisocial self.
"She's out with a friend" Lynlee told Yixing.
"Vanessa has friends?!" He said suprised.
The girl lightly slapped his arm.
"I mean, besides you?" Yixing quickly replied playfully rubbing his arm. "Surprisingly yes" Lynlee answered.
"I know right" the shorter female glanced at the fake spiders they brought to initiate their revenge.
"Well now our plan will go to waste"
"There's always next time " The male reassured her.
"True." She said goodbye to Yixing as he headed back to his room. Now she knew for a fact that Vanessa's been acting very weird...Was it possible that her best friend keeping a secret from her?

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