v. party girl

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Mitch Grassi

The amount of people in my house was absolutely unnerving. I'd never had this many people here before. In fact, I've never had anyone over since we moved. I still never understood why Mike had to get the largest house in NYC, but I was grateful for the amount of space. And since this party was for the "theater geeks," as we call ourselves, all of them invited their closest friends who weren't already in the cast. So, basically almost all of the senior class was in my house. They seemed to be enjoying themselves.

And after I've had alcohol in my system I seem to be the little social butterfly. I should drink more often. It also pays to have a father that, well, doesn't seem to care two shits about me. He keeps our liquor cabinets stocked and whenever I need it, there's always extra. There were a couple of different types of vodka and rum in the cabinet, along with more than enough cases of beer, plus two kegs.

The house didn't even need that much decorating. I just told Naomi to make the house to my exact specifications, which included almost, well, nothing. This house was already aesthetically pleasing as it was, equipped with the most beautiful iridescent chandelier in the main foyer. It was probably my favorite part of the house. Whenever I was awake early in the mornings the light from the sun rising in the East shone on the front of the house and through the large windows that succumbed the majority of the front around the door. The chandelier would look like it had been painted with different colors, shining a different hue with every angle you stood. It was absolutely stunning. But it still looked beautiful even as it didn't appear colorful.

I found myself in the living room with a group of people, humoring myself with their conversations. All I cared about was the beautiful boy sitting next to me, his arm around my shoulder. I'd invited Gianni as my plus one, even though he didn't make the cast. It's a shame that he didn't get a role, though. He might have even made a good understudy for my role. He's extremely talented, and I bet in more ways than one...

But, and I'm not even being arrogant, I'm the most talented one in this building. I figured that, just for tonight, I'd let everyone seem a little entitled. We were going to put on a damn good show.

I found myself floating around the punch bowl, taking a couple of sips and waiting to see who would come in. I let Gianni stay and continue to talk to the group of people we were surrounded by. A couple of them started talking about football and, well, mommy would only go to cheer on the muscles and tight pants. The drink in my hand was getting a little scarce anyway, so it gave me an excuse to walk away from the situation. I decided to walk downstairs to the basement. It had turned into a dance room of sorts. I'm not sure how it got that way, but I didn't mind it. Someone had found my iHome and was playing dance music from the speakers and a couple of peoples phones were laid out on the counter, strobe lights giving the room a club feel. Kudos to whoever was smart enough to think of this. I quickly joined in on the dancing, lifting my glass to the fact that I was finally having a good time. I'd become quite the homebody as of late.

I danced for awhile, enjoying the movement on the dance floor. Everybody in this department was just so carefree and let whatever came to their body just flow out their hands and feet. It was inspiring, really. And it allowed them to express themselves. Lose your inhibitions, you know... whatever that means.

I fought to see my surroundings with the strobe lights illuminating from the phones (which I'm assuming will have dead batteries by the end of the night, ha!) and finally stared off into one side of the room. I figured if I looked in one place for so long that I'd finally be able to adjust. My eyes adjusted on a tall blonde, standing alone next to a tall rack of CDs. I feel like I'm the only person in this day and age that still collects cassette discs. I don't know... There's something about the tangibility that I really love. He was looking through the tapes, picking one of them out from the top and opening the case. I couldn't see his expressions, but I could imagine he was only admiring the fact that he truly hadn't seen a CD in quite awhile.

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