Haters are...

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It's lunch time and I'm going to the canteen. Mark has already gone. I'm curious is he also eating at the canteen or not.

I searched for him and I saw him at the corner and the really back tables. I was planning to sat next to him and while I was enjoying looking at him suddenly, there's a group of a girl that has five members.

They suddenly pour a water on Mark. Oh! What the he'll is they doing!! I became angry. I rushed towards them and pushed the girl who pour the water on Mark.

"What are you doing?" I shouted on her face. I take a look at Mark and Mark's face was really in a shocked. Maybe he shocked because he has a haters.

I'm sorry Mark oppa...wait, sorry for what?

I don't care! I need to finished this girl!

I pulled the girl's hair so hard. Actually, I don't know what to do. I never being a bullied before. But, I'm taking a karate class. Should I show them my karate skills? Haha...if I ever has attend the class. I never come even once to that class. This is so sad...what should I do to protect Mark oppa?? I'm too afraid that I want to cry.

I step on the girl's foots. She screams and I pushed her away. All of them are moving backwards. Hey!! Isn't this easy? Suddenly someone touched my shoulder. I turned back and get surprise. Discipline teacher?? Oh no!!! But it's okay....just for Mark oppa.

"Follow Me!" He said. I just obeyed.

In the discipline room,

"But teacher... I'm not the one who started it!! Those girls started it!!"

"Yes of course the victims always get to be blame by the one who is getting caught."

"But sir!!! I-I....I won't do that!! I just want to protected my Mark oppa!"

"Your oppa? That boy? He is a guy...why should a girl save a boy? Even though he is an idol, he doesn't supposed to be weak that he can't even take care of himself." The teacher laugh. I'm getting annoys by the words that the teacher says. I bite my lips and took the paper where we need to write our apologizes. I took it and going out from the room.

"Eish!!! Such an annoying teacher!" I nagged when I'm out from that room.
I turned to the right and get surprised when I saw Mark oppa.

"I-I...I'm sorry.. I-I don't mean to eavesdropping." He says awkwardly. It's cute I thought.

He turning back and about to leave but I suddenly grabbed his hand. He looked at me.

"I-I am sorry." I says. I don't know why I'm doing that.

"It's okay!" He says and leaves. I sighs.

Anyway, I helped him today.

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