
390 18 3

I remembered that Yugyeom and Bambam had whispered to each other about Mark oppa having a feeling towards me. What does that mean?

My phone rings,

Mark oppa?? He calls me everyday.

This make me feel more strange.
I accept the call.


"Dahyun aa... This is oppa."

"I know. You call me almost everyday. Is this your true number?"

"Uhm....yea...about today, I'm sorry. Actually, I've call you first before they are planning to bring you to our dance practice."

"It's nothing oppa... why you should be sorry?"

"I don't know... just feel like it."

"Hahaha.....oppa you know, you're weird. You're okay at school but change when we are with the other members. Are you fighting with them?"

"N-No..." I hear sound like a door being opened.

'Mark hyung!!' Someone calls him.

"I'll call you again later. Night!"

"Oh, night."

That sounds like Bambam. Haha...have a feelings. Towards me? Unbelievable. He is okay. Maybe only friends feeling. Because he knows I like Jaebum oppa. I like Jaebum oppa so much.

I lie on my bed and I start to fall asleep.

I run and run. A big wall is blocking my way. There's full of fog. I'm scared.


"Is anyone here? Anyone?? Hello!"

No answer. I'm alone. Where's everyone? I feel strange. Cold, and scared.

Suddenly, I feel someone grabbing my hand. He bring me to somewhere where I can see a light. I see a way to go out.

But, who is this boy? Who is he to grab my hands? Why is he helping me?

After that, I can see everything clearly. I'm so thankful to him. He is standing by my side.

I look at him but it still blur. It's not so clear.

"T-Thank you." I say. He suddenly hugging me. I don't know why but I hug him back instead of pushing him away. Is he someone that so close with me?

I try to look up and look at his face but....



I wake up fast and look at the clock. It is 7:00am. I need to prepare for school.

I enter the school and make my way to my class. Suddenly, Mark oppa greets me.

"Annyeong!" He shows his killer smile. I smile back at him.

"Oppa...annyeong. Let's go to the class." I say. He nods.

"Dahyun aa, I bought this for you." He says while handing me a small box. I take it.

"May I open it?"

"Of course. It's yours."

I smile and open it. In it, there's a bottle of perfume with rose scent.

"Try it."

I spray some on my clothes.

Aah.....this rose scent. I love it. It is really soothing.

"W-why did you bought this for me?"

"You like it?"

"I love it. But why? I know this kind of things must be expensive. Such a burden."

"Nope if it was for you. I bought it for you because I'm still indebted with you."

"Oppa...I told you right? It's not a big deal."

"Just accept that gift as your birthday gift. Okay?"

"My birthday already past."

"Then, happy belated birthday."


"My birthday? Don't you want to ask?"

"For what? I already know it."

"Yea right! You're our biggest fans."

I chuckle. Suddenly, I've got a message.

'Today we had a fan meeting at 2:00pm. Hope you can join us. We'll give you a special treatment like free entrance and special seats.'

Then, I reply

'Really?? Sure. I always dreaming of coming to your fan sign.'

After that, I show Mark oppa my phone and ask him.

"Oppa, is this Jaebum oppa's number?". He looks at my phone screen.

He nods and says, "Is he always texting and calls you?"

"Yea....but not as often as you." He smiles.

We enter the class and everyone is looking at us. I just built a wall to avoid them. I don't want to care about what they're talking about.

We just sit and suddenly there are few girls running toward Mark oppa.

"Oppa, give me a sign."
"Give me first!"
"Mine first."

"Okay!.... will you please line up and be quite? This is not a fansign event." He says softly.

This oppa...is he thinks that everyone can hear him with that voice?

"Line up please!!" I shout. Everyone just follow as I said. Mark oppa looks at me and smiles.

After that, the girls just finished taking a picture and a sign from Mark Oppa. Then, they're leaving.

"Are you okay??"

"Yes. Oh I forgot. Today we had a fan sign at 2:00pm. Hope you would come."

"Sure. Jaebum oppa said that I will get a free entrance and special seat."

"Has he?" Mark oppa asks surprisingly. I nod. He sighs.


"No-nothing." He says shaking his head. Then I just ignore it. I'm afraid that I will make a mistake. I don't want to hurt him.

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